The Free Dissertation Course​

This course serves as an introductory course in the dissertation writing process. The focus of the course is the further development of the student’s understanding of the whole process, covering all the chapters of the traditional doctoral dissertation, from proposal writing to presentation.

Course Description​

This course is intended for doctoral candidates who are beginning or in the middle of their dissertation process. You can take this course even if you haven’t yet decided on your research topic, or you can jump in if you have your thesis proposal approved and need to advance in the research stage. This course provides you with resources to help you design your ideal pace and work plan. By following your work plan, you will be exactly where you need to be at any given time. Writing a high-quality dissertation, thesis, or research project may be tough for many students. However, learning to make one is the first step toward getting the grades you desire in your dissertation. A free dissertation course is provided to get you started. Learn from the basics of choosing a topic to how to proceed with a successful dissertation. You will learn what research methodology to choose for your case and how to complete your research. Learn everything about dissertation writing.

This course is suitable for doctoral students from a wide variety of backgrounds – lawyers, doctors, musicians, computer scientists, nurses, engineers, social workers, etc. There’s no special knowledge or skill required to take this course. If you are ready to start or continue a doctoral dissertation, it means that you fulfilled your school requirements to be one step away from a doctoral degree. You already have all the prerequisites needed to take this course. So, what are you waiting for?

At a glance, here is what you’ll learn:

  • How to choose right Dissertation Topic
  • Literature Review & Research Methodology
  • How to Write Dissertation
  • How to Present Your Results
  • Different Chapters of Dissertation, and More!

Complete Your Dissertation

No special materials or software are required to complete the course, and the course is meant for students beginning or in the middle of their dissertation. You will learn how to plan and structure the dissertation process, work effectively with dissertation chairpersons and committees, and take care of yourself on the dissertation journey. 

Not sure about how to write your dissertation? What is the right topic, and how should you research it? From, which books to read to what mistakes you should avoid in your dissertation, we will discuss it all. 

You will learn how to manage your time and what kind of dissertation topic you should choose!

Developed by The Skylink Research In-house Team after months of thorough research & through extensive discussions with students, academicians and practitioners in the fields, the free dissertation writing course is designed to convey in depth information in the minimum possible time! Also we’ve run them through many trials to ensure that they are very easy to consume and keep you hooked till the last lesson!

Our dissertation specialists have supervised and helped many graduate students, and, of course, completed their own dissertations. Learn from their experience and the experience of their students in this course.

What You'll Learn

Are you having difficulty finishing your dissertation? Are you feeling stuck after trying various approaches, or panicky about the entire enterprise? If so, it is unlikely that your cognitive abilities are to blame. They include anxiety, self-doubt, procrastination, perfectionism, and the thoughts, feelings, and lack of motivation.

 This course was created to help you overcome these problems and finish your dissertation once and for all. Here are the learning outcome:

On-demand Dissertation Writing Course

What are you waiting for? Students who have taken this course have seen incredible results. The methods used in this course will help you finish your PhD program on average three years faster than you would otherwise (based on results among previous participants).

Complete Your Dissertation without Stress, Uncertainty, or Anxiety!

Finish Your Dissertation Once and for All!

We provide you with step-by-step instructions for how to complete each chapter of the dissertation. We provide you with detailed instruction, detailed worksheets, and action plans that you can implement right away.

The Fast Dissertation: Tips to Finish Your Doctoral (PhD) Dissertation without Stress and Anxiety.

Are you struggling to finish your doctoral dissertation? Do you need a push to get to the finish line? Do you need a clear roadmap to get it done sooner? This free dissertation course is a complete course full of insider tips from Skylink Research on how to avoid failure – and wasted tuition money – and get your dissertation done fast. 

An Entirely Free Dissertation Writing Course to Help You Finish Your Dissertation

When it comes to writing your dissertation, you will learn how to make a timeline, create a plan for getting your writing done, and learn how to get feedback from others in ways that will support (and not confuse) you. Finally, you will think a bit about where to publish your work and consider some outlets for your work beyond a traditional manuscript.

Everything You Need To Get Started!

There’s no special knowledge or skill required to take this course. If you are ready to start or continue a doctoral dissertation, it means that you fulfilled your school requirements to be one step away from a doctoral degree. Any doctoral student already has all the prerequisites needed to take this course. This free dissertation course is:

Learn From Industry Leaders

This dissertation course provides an opportunity to learn best practices from top dissertation experts near you and around the world, and study entirely online.

Learn at Your Own Pace

By going through your dissertation coursework at your own pace, you can fly through it at the bare minimum for the required time if you have a free period.

Free of Charge

Take the entire dissertation writing course from Skylink Research dissertation writing experts at no cost to you. Learn new skills and explore new and emerging topics.

The Complete FREE Dissertation Writing Course

Culminating years of significant thought and research into a dissertation is rewarding, but it can be very challenging too. Dissertation writing can also be an isolating experience where students work largely on their own. A quick question; How would you like to know how faculty members view the process of writing and defending a PhD dissertation? We created How to this free dissertation writing course to help PhD and doctoral students, like you, from social science disciplines navigate their way through the process. We have experienced the process at both ends – both as former PhD students and as faculty members.

Certain actions result in success. Others result in failure. We would like for every PhD student to know the difference! Many PhD students give up because they did not have a rich understanding of what it takes to develop a dissertation project, pitch the idea to their committee, write their PhD dissertation and defend it successfully. It is really not such a mind wrenching experience once you have a clear understanding of what is expected during each step of the process.

In our extensive experience, most PhD students have little or no information about the mysterious process of writing and defending a PhD dissertation successfully. What are the fundamental components of a study that must be included in your dissertation proposal to be acceptable to your PhD committee?

What are the most common mistakes PhD students make when formulating and writing their PhD dissertation? Why do so many PhD students never complete their dissertations? The process of writing and defending a dissertation leads some PhD students to pull all of their hair out, get divorced or even lose all of their friends. It is a process full of roadblocks, setbacks and repeated requirements to “do it over” or worse, “start over.” If your idea is to have some fun, do not choose to earn a PhD degree!

This course offers you all of my inside tips (from the perspective of a faculty member) for what it really takes to succeed. If you follow our recommendations for what to avoid and what steps to take, you will be very pleased when you earn your PhD.

  • Will it be a lot of work? Yep!
  • Will you get frustrated with the process? Everyone does.
  • Will you find yourself angry at your committee members? You betcha.
  • Can you succeed? Yes indeed!

Understanding the process you will confront (or are confronting now) will make the difference between writing a PhD dissertation that can be defended successfully and proposing a dissertation that your committee rejects so you never get to first base. This course offers a comprehensive perspective on what you can expect at each step of the process.

Who this course is for:

  • Any PhD or a doctoral student enrolled in any subject, anywhere in the world.
  • Award of the PhD or doctoral degree requires that a dissertation be proposed, written and defended successfully before a dissertation committee.
  • Any and All PhD and doctoral students who find themselves frustrated with the process of writing a PhD dissertation and are searching for support and guidance to help them finish their PhD dissertation and graduate with a PhD or doctoral degree.


It is time to get started. If you are new to research, beginning with the first topic will be beneficial. However, if you have a firm understanding of research, you are free to skip around and get to wherever you want to start. Get Started!

This is a module will cover everything you need to know and provide you with tips and strategies to successfully write your dissertation introduction topic. Get Started!

In this module, you will learn how to conduct and write a literature review. This includes learning how to design a literature review and manage and analyse your data. Get Started!

This is a module on Research Methods and Design. The module guides the student step by step in the development and design of a research project. Get Started!

This module highlights how the results chapter should objectively report the findings, presenting only brief observations in relation each sub-question, hypothesis or topic. Get Started!

This is a module you’ll learn exactly how to write the last chapter of your doctoral dissertation. In particular, you will get oriented with the overall goals of the conclusion chapter. Then, you’ll be taught on how to go about writing the chapter itself. Finally, you will be given guidance on what things to avoid in the ever-important final chapter of your dissertation. Get Started!

Here, you would find some of the best tips you can apply to your next dissertation. Believe it or not, ignoring any of this could make your dissertation writing process more tedious than is expected. Get Started!

Get the best custom dissertation writing help from the authors of this free dissertation course. Private and Secure. Order Now!


Learn the fundamentals of dissertation writing and how to turn your findings into high-quality dissertation that will get you the grade you require. Get Started.

A dissertation topic should be formulated, concise, precise and significant. In addition, your research topic should also be unique so that you have the best chance of your work being approved. Get Started.

Learn the ABCs of writing a research proposal, including what it is, what important parts it must have, how long it must be, and how to arrange it appropriately. Get Started.

In this section, you’ll learn to create a high-quality research proposal. Using simple language and concrete examples, we explain each component. Get Started.

At Skylink Research, we have a great experience with research proposals, including dissertation and thesis proposals. Get Started.

Use our straightforward, simple-to-use dissertation and thesis proposal template to get started. Get Started.


In this section, we will walk you through the general design and layout of a dissertation while briefly discussing each Chapter. Get Started.

The introduction is the first chapter of your thesis or dissertation and appears right after the table of contents. Learn how to write a captivating introduction chapter for your dissertation. Get Started.

Learn the common mistakes graduate students make while creating their dissertation introduction chapter and how to avoid them. Get Started.

As a resource for graduate students, this section will assist with the initial formatting of doctoral dissertations and master’s theses. Get Started.


On this chapter, you will be presented with the four essential components of a literature review. Get Started.

In this section, you will learn how to write a well-organised literature review. Get Started.

In this chapter, we’ll take you through the steps and help you find excellent resources for your work. Get Started.

At the conclusion of this chapter, you will be able to: Search a library catalog to locate electronic and print books. Get Started. 

In this section, we will take you through the common known structures and give recommendations on how to structure your literature review. Get Started. 

Learn how to identify the common mistakes that you might encounter while writing your Literature Review Chapter. Get Started. 


This chapter introduces the research design and methodology as a general plan about what you will do to answer the research question. Get Started. 

This chapter is our introduction to the three research methodology paradigms. Get Started. 

Learn how to chose your research methodology. Get Started. 

Laern about the research onion model as presented by Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill in their book titled Research Methods for Business Students. Get Started. 

This chapter will teach you how to give a clear outline of research methods that were followed in the study. Get started. 

Learn how to gather, structure and interpret qualitative data to understand what it represents. Get Started. 

Learn the common mistakes made in qualitative interviews and how to avoid them. Get Started. 

Learn everything you need to know about qualitative data analysis. Get Started. 

Learn everything you need to know about survey design. Get Started. 

Learn the common mistakes and issues eminent in quantitative analysis methods. Get Started. 


Learn about  what a results chapter is, the importance of the chapter in your dissertation, and how to write a results chapter for a qualitative study. Get Started. 

Learn about what the quantitative chapter is, the importance of the chapter in your dissertation, and how to write the quantitative chapter. Get Started. 

Learn about the 10 common mistakes made in the results chapter. Get Started. 

Learn how to write up your results, and then discuss them and set them into the dissertation. Get Started. 

Learn the 10 common mistakes in the discussion chapter of a dissertation. Get Started. 


In this chapter, we will discuss what a conclusion chapter entails and what to and what not to write in the conclusion chapter of your dissertation or thesis. Get Started. 

In this chapter, we will discuss five joint research limitations students often encounter. Get Started

Learn about the common mistakes made in the conclusion chapter. Get Started

Learn what makes a strong abstract and how to write one. Get Started. 

Learn the  common mistakes in a dissertation abstract and how to avoid them. Get Started. 

Learn the process of preparing to defend your dissertation or thesis. What to do and what not to do. Get Started. 

Learn how to use the two apps; Mendeley and Zotero. Get Started. 


In this chapter, we will give you more information with various helpful computer internet apps, computer programs, and assistance-based tools that will make your life a little easier throughout the research study. Get Started. 

In this section, we will be discussing analytical and descriptive writing and how they should be done to enable you to gain more marks and have a well-written dissertation. Get Started

 In this section, we shall discuss ways of reducing the word count while maintaining the meaning of your work. Get Started

In this section, we will be discussing the ways and components that help you achieve a good argument in your writing. Get Started. 

In this section, you will learn how to select the right charts and graphs for your data to ensure that you have the appropriate figures in your research. Get Started. 

Here you are going to learn the various forms of misconduct in academic writing. Get Started. 

 We will also look at the advantages of using dissertation writing services for your writing. Learn More.

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