General Tips And Tools For Your Dissertation

Here, you would find some of the best tips you can apply to your next dissertation. Believe it or not, ignoring any of this could make your dissertation writing process more tedious than is expected. Read on!


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Chapter 1: Essential Apps For Your Dissertation Writing Journey

There are some good resources from modern technology that help in the research journey. Study applicable internet applications, useful tools, and computer programs that can aid us in the inquiry operation with adequate effect.

Finalizing the subject you chose or the document submitted in support of being a candidate needs a whole-hearted additional use of time, a serious attempt, and endurance. There is no easier way on the path to achieving the required study results, however, we can implement other ways to optimize the process and act more efficiently.

In the following chapter, we will give you more information with various helpful computer internet apps, computer programs, and assistance-based tools that will make your life a little easier throughout the research study.


  1. Grammarly – language editing
  2. Evernote – note-taking & productivity
  3. Otter – dictation/transcription
  4. Dropbox – cloud storage
  5. Canva – graphic design
  6. Mendeley – reference management
  7. Freemind – mind mapping

 1.      Grammarly Premium

Critically thinking about the spell checker in Microsoft Word, is not that efficient. From not true optimistic and pessimistic amounts to missed mistakes and crazy alternative results – often, it is way better to do the spell check on your own. However, one does not need to do all that, thanks to the Grammarly app.

Grammarly not only checks for spelling but checks for more complex problems such as

  • Inconsistency in writing and ambiguous sentence arrangement
  • use of inappropriate vocabulary and overuse of some defined tasks
  • Plagiarism
  • Predicts unsuitable tone in language, rude and insensitive kind of language

In other words, Grammarly is the closest thing you’ll get to having a real-time editor and proofreader checking one work. Grammarly doesn’t replace the writer’s editing, however, it is useful in cleaning up your early drafts before handing them over to your supervisor/advisor for the response. Grammarly directly incorporates Word, Google Docs, and Chrome, so it’s easily flexible.

Grammarly not only gives a free but also a premium or paid version. For study writing usefulness, we suggest the premium version as it includes a plagiarism checker, which is very appropriate. 

2.      Evernote & Penultimate

Without a doubt, you’ll be noting down an endless stream of notes throughout the research work. The form of the research will be written notes, some will be photos, and others might even be audio recordings. You’ll need a way to control it all and keep things organized way. Enter Evernote.

Evernote is the option note-taking app, as it enables you to take notes in various formats, including text (typed and handwritten), photos (snap that workshop slide), and audio (record that interview). You can also attach files of any different format (for example, an Excel data set), so with certainty, everything stays in one place. The text in any note is easily searched, and all data is linked to your phone, laptop, desktop, and tablet.

3.      Otter

Writing up a good research study or thesis needs a lot of efficient writing. Consuming a lot of time typing on your keyboard can be very stressful (and potentially physically harmful). Instead of typing, you could just speak to be typed.

This is an app that enables you to simply speak into your smartphone or tablet and it converts that audio into text format. With this, it means you can get what you think written down on paper easier than you usually would and minimize the risk of losing your ideas or thoughts. Moreover, it is great for doing your work while you’re sitting in traffic, and it combines usefulness as the first putting into written or printed form to aid your discussion(although you should always double-check/edit these transcriptions manually). 

4.       Dropbox

In many cases, we have witnessed a lot of students waste a lot of valuable time in hours, days, or for some days working hard(and even miss the submission deadline) from compromised flash drives or hard drives, coffee-soaked laptops, or stolen computers is truly heart-breaking. If you’re not constantly storing your work on any cloud storage you are at risk of losing it all.

Some cloud services that you would use to store your information safe in the cloud are:

  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • OneDrive
  • iCloud Drive

These apps will not only ensure that your work is constantly secularly stored (but also make link working on multiple devices easier, as your files will be linked to each device. There is no use to have multiple versions between your desktop, laptop, tablet, etc. Storage is in one place. 

5.       Canva

Even the most well-written long essays or thesis will suffer if the visuals lead to retina harm to the reader’s eyes. Sadly, badly designed research models and document visuals are all very common in academic work.

Canva understands your feelings rather than facts, is easy to use, and uses internet visual arts form of activities that lets anybody create high-quality graphics. There is no need for one to have a background in graphic design or visual arts to produce pleasant-looking graphics with Canva. Can also provide a wide range of beforehand prototypes making an easier task in creating visuals for the study.

6.      Mendeley

Citations and references properly arranged are important to a well-described study or thesis. No matter how the highest standards of research will lose their realism (and marks) if the references are not matched with the sources’ information. It is such a discouraging feeling to see students lose marks on this, while these students can easily get the correct reference with management software like Mendeley.

Mendeley is an unchangeable reference management program that makes sure addition of all your citations and references in Word. Easily upload your journal articles in Mendeley and thereafter simply input your citations as you note them down in Word. Mendeley then automatically builds your reference list according to any format you choose either APA or MLA just to mention a few. In reality, there are many similar pieces of programs doing the same task, however, I prefer Mendeley to be the best immense feature.

7.      Free mind App

This is a very useful app that enables you to do mind mapping. Suing this app you can visualize or picture and make connections on the information you are working on. The free mind is so handy, especially in the writing of the literature review, it enables you to connect with information regarding large numbers, different theories, and other frameworks. You would want to make use of this app especially if you feel lost in your literature review chapter.

It is important to note that when writing your dissertation you need to have a very clear understanding of the topic and all that surrounds it, you need to own the topic. Therefore, there are online courses that help you with that, and although this may not be part of the apps, online courses are very helpful in writing the dissertation. Some of these online courses are found on Udemy and Coursera sites. The courses found on these sites help you gain special skills in certain software like the Nvivo and SPSS analysis within a short period saving you the time that you need.

Chapter 2: Descriptive And Analytical Writing

In this section, we will be discussing analytical and descriptive writing and how they should be done to enable you to gain more marks and have a well-written dissertation.


  • Difference between analytical and descriptive writing
  • Explanation of the two writings
  • Distinguishing differences and how the writing should be done

Descriptive Writing – it gives details of the information as it is. It is plain and simple and does not go deep into details of what the information is about. It is a shallow and bad way of writing a dissertation but unfortunately, most students make the mistake of writing descriptively. Descriptive writing states what happens, explains a theory, notes down the methodology, is concerned with the date and time of an event, explains how something works, and provides so many pieces of information. This writing is shallow and very unsatisfying to the reader.

Analytical Writing –usually gives the words of impact and consequences of an event. It is detailed and deep, giving the impact of an event rather than just the description. It explains relating to the research questions and objectives of the research, it gives the key issues of the research, explains the relevance of the methods used in research, and it also gives proper reasons for the timing of the events rather than just the time the event occurred. Analytical writings also conclude the relevance of the study as well as all the pieces of information in the study.

However we are not scraping off descriptive writing completely, but saying that it should be minimized. Descriptive writing is essential in your work because it answers the “what” questions in your analysis, it is the kind of writing you give in your results chapter but not the discussion chapter. After describing your research follow it up with the reasons and relevance of the descriptions to achieve analytical writing. Maximise the analytical writing throughout your writing and you will have a well-written research paper or dissertation.

Chapter 3: Reducing Word Count

Another important aspect of your research paper, thesis, or dissertation is the word count. Ensure that your words are trimmed to bring out the meaning without cutting off important details that would be relevant to your paper. It is important to first make a draft of your work before getting to the final writing. Think critically before writing to construct an argument and revising on the arguments during writing. You can also write down points that you find important during your reading and research before writing the final draft. 

You can use either way to achieve better thinking for your research to ensure that you write only what is important. Words can be difficult to trim but making a brief point before writing and then letting your words flow on the paper, will save you the time to trim. This is because the arguments are clearer after you have made brief notes and points before the final writing and during your writing, the words flow easily too. Do not be guided by the number of words that you are required to write but rather let your thoughts flow in the paper then trim the words later as you review your paper.

 In this section, we shall discuss ways of reducing the word count while maintaining the meaning of your work.

Check or Filter for Descriptive Content

Check for the content in your paper for the type of content that you have written. Classify the content that answers the “what” question in your work and gives a brief description of the details in your work. There are two types of writing under the classification of content, descriptive writing, and analytical writing.

Descriptive Writing – it gives details of the information as it is. It is plain and simple and does not go deep into details of what the information is about. It is a shallow and bad way of writing a dissertation but unfortunately, most students make the mistake of writing descriptively. Descriptive writing states what happens, explains a theory, notes down the methodology, is concerned with the date and time of an event, explains how something works, and provides so many pieces of information. This writing is shallow and very unsatisfying to the reader.

Analytical Writing –usually gives the words of impact and consequences of an event. It is detailed and deep, giving the impact of an event rather than just the description. It explains relating to the research questions and objectives of the research, it gives the key issues of the research, explains the relevance of the methods used in research, and it also gives proper reasons for the timing of the events rather than just the time the event occurred. Analytical writings also conclude the relevance of the study as well as all the pieces of information in the study.

It is good to ensure that your writing is much of the analytical writing and less of descriptive writing. As seen above the descriptive writing may contain unnecessary words that may be trimmed to meet the word count needed. If your description does not transit to analysis then it is better to cut it off from your writing. Write only what will help you lead into giving the reasons which are the relevant words in your paper.

Ensure that your words focus on the research questions

Check for words that do not add up to answering your research questions in the paper and filter them out. Ensure that during your review the words in your paper give meaning and are directed to your research questions. The words that are often irrelevant are those that are not directed to the research questions and do not answer the research questions, trim these words off and keep your focus on the relevant words.

As you write you tend to get carried away by events and new findings that you and may add these details in your paper. This is the reason why it is important to review your work and filter out the words that are not relevant to your study as they are not connected to the research questions. Take time to review having in mind the research questions of your study, makes it easier for you to filter your words and achieve the correct word count.

Ensure the Summary Sections are Brief

Review your paper for too detailed summary sections. A summary section is supposed to be a recap of the chapter stating brief important details of the chapter. The summary section is not a section to rewrite all the details of the chapter and therefore if you find that your summary is too detailed remove those words that make it too detailed.

A summary is an important section of the paper and should always be included in your chapters. It gives the final words in a chapter as well as a summary of the chapter. The summary section should be able to stand on its own such that if a reader skips to this part without reading the entire chapter can understand and follow her writing. Use this section to state important points and also transit to the next part or chapter.

Begin your summary by giving the key observations or highlights of your chapter followed by a logical link to the next chapter. The latter may be included or ignored depending on the word count as a last resort to meet your word count requirements.

Avoid wordy discussions

This is an important way to use when reviewing your paper for word count. Check the words in your discussion eliminating the words that you feel would be left out and still maintain the meaning. This way is usually not very effective to achieve the word count but should be included in the review process to help trim your words. It is possible to have been so wordy in your discussion as a result of thinking and writing but the review process will help you remove those words that seemed so thoughtful but unnecessary for your study. Reread your paragraphs and sentences and rewrite the sentences that are too wordy to make them brief and to the point. Some of the things you need to look out for when eliminating words in your work are:

  1. That –this word is often used in the discussion to express thoughts. Use the find function (Ctrl + F) to find the word “that” and eliminate it as much as possible. It is possible to achieve the same meaning of a sentence without the word “that”.
  2. Abbreviated and words that can be written as acronyms –when reviewing your paper ensure that you create acronyms for your words for example the names of organizations that are quite long. Make an introduction of your acronyms and abbreviations early in your paper to familiarise the reader with them. Equally do not overuse the abbreviations and acronyms in your writing as it makes it difficult for the reader to understand.
  3. Adjectives and adverbs –some of these words are unnecessary and contribute to the bloat of words. They also create subjective and emotive tones which are not encouraged in writing. Eliminate these words as much as possible, especially where objectivity is required in your writing.
  4. Mathematical operators –words that have been copied directly from Excel and other numbers in mathematics can be written as one word avoiding spacing and hence reducing the word count.

Chapter 4: Building Of Arguments In Your Dissertation

In this section, we will be discussing the ways and components that help you achieve a good argument in your writing.


  • Stating objectives and conclusions
  • Grounding of premises
  • Logically explaining your work
  • Acknowledgment of counter-arguments

When making arguments the main goal is to convince the reader that you are stating what is right. To convince your reader you need to use hard facts to back up your arguments. Some components may assist you in building up your arguments. Your argument requires these components or elements to be strong and earn you marks:

a)      A well-stated objective or conclusion

For an argument to be well set up it has to have an objective and a conclusion. An objective guides you in making your argument and leads through the entire argument, for this reason, it is very important to make your objective clear and understood before stating your argument. The conclusion also needs to be well stated containing all the main facts of the arguments. You need to have a clear focus to avoid the risk of getting confused or losing your reader in the process. Remember that your flow is dependent on your consistency and therefore you should maintain it. Your main focus in the placing of your argument is to convince the reader to agree with the conclusion.

Begin your argument by giving facts about your findings then support them with evidence and finally give the objective or your conclusion that you convince the reader to agree with.

b)     Grounding your premises

You need to state why you are convincing the reader or your audience to agree with you on the objective or conclusion you made. The premises need to be communicated clearly for the reader to understand. The pieces of evidence and supportive statements that justify your objective may convince the reader to agree with you. You may have a single supportive statement or several pieces of evidence to support your arguments and that is okay. The important thing to remember is when stating your argument or conclusion of the argument, you should provide supportive statements and pieces of evidence to convince your reader. Do not just state the argument without giving the premises or proof to support it, to avoid having skeleton arguments. The pieces of evidence you use in your argument should be from reliable sources and must be related as well as relevant to your objective or the conclusion.

Ensure that the proof you give has reliable and traceable sources for accountability in your writing. You may have used an internal source or a different source of the evidence you used in your writing but it is important to state them in your writing for credibility purposes. Remember to consult with your supervisor or your school to ensure that the resources you use are as per the requirements. Use the school-prescribed sources as a priority and then other sources as your secondary sources.

The pieces of evidence and supportive statements need to be logically linked to your objectives and clear for the reader to understand. Note that if your supportive statements and pieces of evidence are considered unclear then the entire argument is rendered useless as it loses focus. Use logic to identify the relevant proof and disqualify the irrelevant proof. Your pieces of evidence need to connect with your conclusions, do not just write because you think the statement supports your argument when it is not even connected to it.

c)      Logical Explanation of your work

Your work must make sense throughout the writing. The process of putting your argument out there involves selecting your line of reasoning before giving other details. The two lines of reasoning are deductive and inductive lines of reasoning.

Deductive reasoning –means that the conclusion of your argument can be drawn from the proof or premises given. In this line of reasoning, the proof is a series of consequential supportive statements that lead to a conclusion. Here you will use your general proof or premise to focus on a specific conclusion, either a present one or one from the past. To check whether your argument is logical or not you need to check on the validity of your arguments followed by assessing your premises to check whether they are true or false.

Example: Premise: all eagles are birds

                Premise 2: All birds lay eggs

                Conclusion: all eagles lay eggs

In the above example, the first premise is a general premise followed by a more specific premise that all birds lay eggs, and the third part is then the conclusion. You need to classify your argument as valid or not by asking yourself whether the conclusion is true based on the truth of your premises. If yours is that the premises are true also and conclusions are also true then your argument is valid, but if your premises are false then the conclusion false, and the argument is considered invalid.

To check for the soundness of your argument you need to check for the validity of your proofs and premises. The premises should be true to give a sound argument, but if the premises are false then the argument is unsound as it is based on untrue premises.

Inductive Reasoning –this line of reasoning uses specific premises to infer or give general conclusions. It is the opposite of deductive reasoning and is mainly focused on the conclusions that are yet to happen and not the past or recent ones like deductive reasoning. The conclusion is a prediction of a future event or observation. This type of reasoning is classified as either strong or weak based on the greater chance of the conclusion happening as per the truth of the premises. The reasoning can also be deemed cogent if the premises given are true and not cogent when at least one of the premises is false.

d)     Acknowledgment of counter-arguments

To qualify your argument, it is important to anticipate a possible opposition and be ready to counter it. A good argument is that which has an opposition, therefore ensure that you analyze and address the opposition to show your reader that you are very much aware of your study and that you have considered all the possible angles of the argument. A very good opposition in an argument may help you even convince some of your readers to support you, initially on the opposition side. To challenge your opposition, you need to anticipate and address the possible different conclusions that may be drawn from your argument, you will also need to question the validity of your argument and the importance of your premises, and the other thing you need to consider is possible drawbacks to the conclusions you made. Be open-minded and address these issues without sounding subjective or too defensive. Counter-arguments should be part of your study to enable you to maintain the validity and importance of your argument. Have in mind that your reader especially your supervisor will read your work keenly objecting to the weak arguments. Use indicator words such as most, predictably, in explaining your conclusions to help you state your arguments well.

Here are some points to help you in addressing counter-arguments:

  1. Point out errors and give supportive statements for the errors in the counter-arguments
  2. Point out the area of weakness in the counter-arguments that make your argument stronger and more valid. It is good to point out the strengths in the counter-arguments but remember to show why they do not hold as much weight as your actual argument.
  3. Review your conclusion to check for any loopholes that may make the counter-arguments valid.

Ensure that your arguments are well stated having in mind that your conclusions are not applicable everywhere. There are always limitations arising from your general arguments and therefore the arguments will not always be sound in all contexts. Remember that very little in the universe is relevant or true universally, so you should be prepared to get counter-arguments in your studies. In considering the situations in that your arguments might not work then you are identifying the qualifications of your arguments.

It is good to demonstrate emotion in your arguments to be more convincing to your readers. As much as your arguments need to be built on data-backed premises it is also important to add a certain level of emotion to convince. Communicate with emotion and energy in your arguments as you demonstrate the validity of the arguments. Emotion can be put in writing and ensure that your wording has a touch of emotions to capture your reader and make the reader follow through with the argument.

These elements help you to pass the important message to your reader, articulately, with sensible arguments that were made considering all possible angles.

Chapter 5: Charts And Graphs

In this section, you will learn how to select the right charts and graphs for your data to ensure that you have the appropriate figures in your research.


  • Choosing the right chart for your dissertation
  • How to understand your data

Choosing the right Chart for your Dissertation

Charts and graphs show up in the findings chapter of your dissertation and should be included to present your data well. The data in your figures are very important as they are what support your arguments in the discussion.

There are several software and programs to help you decide on the right chart to use in your study. Microsoft excel for example provides a variety of charts that you would use in your findings chapter. It is not always easy to choose the right chart to go with your data type, however, the first step in choosing the chart to use should be understanding the data type.

Understanding your Data

Analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data can be difficult and confusing but you can get help from us. You can reach out to us for our support services at Skylink Research. We offer consultation services, coaching services on the contents of these modules and other dissertation modules, as well as writing services.

Chapter 6: Academic Misconduct

Here you are going to learn the various forms of misconduct in academic writing. This section will also help you avoid these mistakes in your writing and enable you to avoid being penalised for misconduct.

Forms of Misconduct in Academic Writing

There are many forms of misconduct in academic writing relative to the schools and the departments in the schools. Some things may be considered misconduct in one institution and a non-misconduct in another institution. It is good to consult with your school on the forms of misconduct in the writing to know what exactly to avoid for your writing. You may further lose your job and get your reputation ruined because of misconduct. The general forms of misconduct, however, include:

i.            Bribery

Bribery is any form of offer or suggestion of exchange of money for favors. These favors include the academic advantages that one seeks as he exchanges money or goods or services for them. It is important to avoid any form of suggestion of bribery because they are subjective and may be subject to the interpretation of the recipient. Your interactions with the academic staff should remain professional and avoid any form of bribery to gain marks for your dissertation. To avoid this mistake work on your dissertation early enough and ensure that you work on your dissertation properly before the deadline.

ii.            Fabrication

This is any form of misinterpretation of data or information in your dissertation writing. One may alter the results that he found from the research to suit the anticipated findings that the student had and this is a fabrication. Others may not even conduct the research analysis or data collection and make up data for the findings chapter. Another form of fabrication is the submission of references in the bibliography section that do not exist. One may fabricate the references in a view of filling the requirement and thinking that no one will notice. Another way is also include references that were not used in the research.

iii.            Plagiarism

This is the most common form of misconduct in academic writing. This is the claiming of other people’s ideas and work as your own, intentionally or unintentionally. There are various forms of plagiarism. They include:

  • Direct Plagiarism

This can be referred to as the “Copy and Paste” form of plagiarism. This is lifting exact words from a source and including them in your writing. The inclusion of these exact words is done without punctuation marks like quotation marks or citing the sources in your work. The student might have done this form of plagiarism intentionally or not but this is generally considered a form of serious misconduct in academic writing.

  • Blended Plagiarism

Paraphrasing another writing without citations or any form of reference to these sources without the addition of your thoughts and analysis is a form of plagiarism. Ensure that your writing is your own words from your analysis, just use other people’s work as resources for your work and avoid just paraphrasing their work.

  • Self-plagiarism

This occurs if you submit a section of work that you previously did for either a different course or a different level of study for your present thesis or dissertation. Be very careful with the content of your dissertation, if there is a need to include work that you did previously, consult your supervisors, the previous supervisor, and the current one for their approval to include the work in your dissertation.

Do not assume anything when writing your dissertation, especially when including work done by other people. This includes chapters like the literature review chapter and the discussion chapters of your dissertation. Include all possible citations and consult your supervisor on the best way to avoid plagiarism.

iv.            Cheating

Common misconduct that is very serious is cheating. This is a serious offense that should be avoided at all costs. One way of cheating is the use of purchased papers for the tests before it is provided by the school, hence n you access the answers and cheat in the exam. Another way is the use of unauthorized sources to write your dissertation, a common source is Wikipedia which is strongly discouraged by most schools. It is important to note that even copying your classmates’ work is cheating as their work is not authorized.

Working on a classmate’s dissertation is also a form of misconduct, you should not write on your classmate’s behalf. Lying to your supervisor on the reasons for your late submission when asking for an extension.

Penalties and Consequences for Misconduct in Academic Writing

You may check with your university to confirm the specific consequences that your school has for the various misconducts. Misconduct leads to various consequences and despite other people getting away with it in school the consequences catch up with them later in line because of future difficulties in the same tasks. You also risk revocation of your degree if found guilty of misconduct, even later in your life so do not think that you got away with misconduct just because you were not caught during your school years.

 Some of the consequences are:

I.            Expulsion from School

One of the most common consequences in most schools is expulsion from school if caught in any form of misconduct. If caught with cheating, plagiarism, or any other form of misconduct you can be expelled and all the course work you did renders null. All the hard work and effort you put in the previous years are considered useless and you leave without conferment of your degree. The opportunity to study at a university is a special one and should not be lost for such reasons as misconduct, put effort into your work, and avoid any form of misconduct that would lead to the loss of all your hard work. Be careful in your writing that this one single task may not cost all your school years. Remember that if you are expelled, being accepted into another school will be difficult.

II.            Public Shaming

Some institutions host public shaming sites where students who have been found to misconduct are shamed and prohibited from participating in their fields of study for a certain period. This applies mainly to students whose careers are dependent on funding because if they are found to have data fabrication or any other form of misconduct then they risk losing all possible funding for their studies through public shaming. Other students who do not require funding for their career may also face public shaming such that if they are expelled they cannot be accepted to any other school. Ensure that you avoid misconduct as you risk being publicly shamed and losing great opportunities in your career.

III.            Suspension from school

Some schools may send away students for a period of up to 1000 academic days when they are found with misconduct. Students who are involved in fabrication, cheating, and plagiarism risk being sent away for a while. The students lose precious time that they would have used to complete their studies just because of misconduct in one of the tasks they are given at school. Remember that the time you have lost cannot be recovered and therefore you should not risk losing any of your time in school because of academic writing misconduct.

It is important to note that some misconducts like cheating and fraud can lead to heavy fines, limited scholarships, suspension from extra-curricular activities, and ruined reputation in the cases where the school is found to have condoned the misconduct in the institution.

Ways to Avoid Misconduct

There are several ways you may avoid being involved in misconduct and facing the consequences that come with it.

A.    Plan Ahead of your Writing

As a student you may have a tight schedule, especially towards the final years of your studies, therefore, needing you to plan well to ensure that you complete all your tasks on time. You may note down the tasks that you have and arrange them in order of their due dates. Then work according to your plan beginning with the closest deadline task to the furthest deadline task. Planning enables you to allocate good time for your dissertation and enables submission ahead of your deadline. If you have trouble planning your work there are sites available online that would help you plan your tasks well. We would recommend that you contact us to to guide you in planning your dissertation.

B.     Organize your Work

Before writing makes short notes in your rough book including all the important details during your research. You can also keep the notes and all resources related to your research in one folder for easy retrieval. This will help you avoid any thoughts of cheating or fabrication on your dissertation as you will be referring to your resources in the folder. Create a folder for your research and include all the materials you will wish to use in the research work in that folder. You can also us to help you organize your dissertation writing process.

C.    Consult when in Doubt

It is important that before you get into the business of writing your dissertation, you should check with your school to know the specific rules for writing in your school. Remember that rules are not universal and therefore vary with schools. Read the questions about your dissertation and ask whatever seems unclear about the requirements.

Consult your supervisor or professor if there are any unclear areas in your dissertation. We also offer dissertation coaching services at Skylink Research, consult us too if you need any help.

D.    Back-Up your Data

Data is an important part of your study that may be required during the defense of your study to confirm the validity. Always back up your data from when you began storing them all through your research. This is to avoid the loss of important data and enable retrieval in case of an emergency. Keep your data backed up at all times to avoid the need to fabricate them because they were lost.

E.     Check for Plagiarism before Submission

There are several sites online you can use for plagiarism checking. Most universities give free access to sites like Turnitin that provide that can be used to provide a plagiarism report and enable you to review your work for plagiarism. Remember plagiarism may be unintentional and therefore do not assume that you have original work always check for plagiarism before submitting your work.

Chapter 7: Dissertation And Thesis Explained

Many students ask questions about dissertation and thesis writing, how they are written and what their differences are as well as the best way to get them right. In this section, we are going to discuss the two most common writings in schools and the writings we have been talking about all along, dissertations and thesis. We will also look at the advantages of using dissertation writing services for your writing.


  • The definition of thesis and dissertations
  • The similarities between dissertations and thesis
  • The differences between dissertations and theses
  • The advantages of using online writing services for your dissertation and thesis


Dissertation – this is an academic research project writing that is done as a requirement to receive a degree or diploma in the university. It has mostly been associated with doctoral programs.

Thesis – this is an academic research project writing that is required for one to receive a degree or a diploma in the university. It is mostly associated with degree programs.

 It is important to note that these are just but some of the various definitions of these writings that you may find online. The definitions differ from one country to another, from one university to another, and from one department to another. It is good to consult with your supervisor to know the definition of your writing, you may check with your university or confirm online the definition as per your country.

The similarities between dissertations and thesis

  1. They are both writings associated with academic research projects. These written documents are requirements of different schools for one to receive either a degree, diploma, master’s, or doctorate from the universities.
  2. The theses and dissertations both require students to do comprehensive research work involving research questions, a literature view, clearly stated findings, and a discussion containing well-stated arguments with supportive statements answering the research questions.
  3. Both research writings should include methodologies used to arrive at your findings. Both writings contain the same information and are handed to the supervisors for marking.
  4. Both writings have to be defended either at the beginning of the end of the writing before a panel of analysts or individuals.

The differences between dissertations and thesis

The main difference is the level of study where the writing is required. Some schools require thesis writing at the Masters level, while some require dissertations for the doctorate level. Other schools may require these writings at the diploma or undergraduate level. Here in the United Kingdom thesis writing is a general requirement at the doctoral level while dissertation writing is generally done at the Masters level.

The advantages of using writing services for your dissertation and thesis

There have been so many discouragements of using online writing services to write your dissertations and thesis but we would like to say that the discouragements apply mostly if you use the wrong writing services. Using writing services that are not professional in your field can lead to problems associated with misconduct in form of cheating in academic writing. is a professional dissertation writing service located in the United Kingdom. It could be used by students from all over the world as there are many experts in the service that are specialized in various fields.

Before choosing the writing service to use it is important to research the company to ascertain their services and capability before ordering with them. has a capable customer care team ready to listen to you at any time of the day and fill you in on the services available and match you with an expert in your field. You may also inquire from people about their experience with dissertation writing services before settling for one dissertation writing service.

In this section, we will be discussing some of the advantages of using Skylink Research dissertation writing service for your dissertations and you will be able to understand the importance of this dissertation writing service.


  • There are Variety of dissertation writing services provided by provides a variety of writing services including, a whole dissertation writing service, choosing of a title or topic service, literature review service, research proposal writing service, and editing services among other services. These services are helpful to students at various levels in their writing. If you are having issues with choosing the right topic for your dissertation, for instance, assists you to arrive at a comfortable topic or title for your dissertation. Some students may have written their dissertations and require assistance in editing their dissertations. editing services will assist such students in editing their dissertation papers before submission. Therefore assist students to write their dissertations through various services and not just writing the entire dissertation paper for them. We have a team of experts like professors who fill you in on the dissertation and answer your questions on dissertations. You not only get your dissertation done but also learn in the process.


  • Submission of Dissertations Prior Deadline

With, you are assured of submitting your work on time and avoiding misconduct associated with late submissions and extended deadlines. It may be difficult to meet deadlines for assignment submission as students because of so much work and assignments in hand. takes the burden of dissertation writing off your shoulders and enables you to submit your dissertation on time. This is in addition to a well-written dissertation paper.


  • You are Guaranteed Good Grades in your Dissertation

You are also guaranteed of getting good grades in your dissertation to avoid any form of repetition of the work because of missed parts and failed areas. Many online dissertation writing services may have failed because of no guarantee of good grades. However, at you are assured of good grades for your dissertation.


  • follows the Instructions given by Clients follows the instructions and guidelines given by its clients and does not rely on the knowledge and the guidelines available to the company. We listen to our clients and use the guidelines provided by them. We understand that guidelines of writing vary with the schools as well as the departments and therefore we adhere to the guidelines given by our clients. We also update our clients on the progress of their dissertation ensuring that they are up to date with their work and we make necessary corrections before deadlines. This also guarantees you good grades.


  • Saves you on Time and Cost

Using helps save on time and extra cost of writing your dissertation paper. Higher levels of study like the doctoral level can be a tough level especially when trying to balance between social life and your education. Dissertation writing is one of the tasks that take time to complete and get right and therefore it would be good to get help in writing it. assists you in right your dissertation, updating you on the progress of your paper and saving you on time. Our services are pocket friendly too, we understand that most of our clients are students and therefore our prices are affordable enabling you to save on the cost of writing.


  • Guaranteed a Plagiarism-free Work

You are also assured of plagiarism-free work when you use our dissertation writing services. ensures that your dissertation are well written and checks for plagiarism upon completion, we also provide a plagiarism report to our clients for accountability. You are therefore guaranteed plagiarism-free work and therefore avoid the academic misconduct of any form of plagiarism.


  • expands Your knowledge on dissertations and your field of study

Using for your dissertation writing enables you to expand your knowledge of writing and in your field of study as well. When you order with us, you will be connected with an expert writer in your field. These experts are normally professors and lecturers who know your field. The experts guide you and walk with you throughout the writing process. In case of any questions or clarifications about the dissertations, you may ask the experts and they will answer. This enables you to not only get your dissertation written but also expand your knowledge of the dissertation and your field of study.


In this module, we have covered the various tools and tips to guide you in writing your dissertations, thesis, and research papers for your studies.

We have looked at the various apps that may be essential for your writing. Specific apps that were discussed in this section were Grammarly, Evernote, Otter, Dropbox, Canva, Mendeley, and Freemind apps.

 We have also discussed the two types of writing, descriptive research writing, and analytical research writing. We pointed out that the most preferred and correct way of writing your dissertation writing is analytical research writing. Remember descriptive writing is important and should not be left out in your dissertation but it should be merged with analytical writing to give meaning to your arguments.

We discussed the ways to reduce word count in chapter 3 to enable you to meet the required word count. The ways we discussed were checking or filtering for descriptive content in your writing, ensuring that your words focus on the research questions, ensuring the summary sections are brief and avoiding wordy discussions containing words like “that”, abbreviated words, and words that can be written as acronyms, adjectives, and adverbs, and mathematical operators.

In chapter 4 we have discussed the various ways to build up your arguments like having a well-stated objective or conclusion, grounding your premises, logically explaining your points, and acknowledging counter-arguments.

We also looked at the ways to get the charts, graphs, and tables right for your dissertation’s findings and discussion chapters.

The other thing discussed in this module is the academic misconduct that has been associated with dissertation writing. They include bribery, fabrication, plagiarism, and cheating. We also looked at the penalties and punishment for these misconducts like expulsion from school, public shaming, and suspension from school. Ways to avoid such misconducts have also been provided in this module and they include planning ahead of your writing, organizing your work, consulting when in doubt, backing up your data, and checking for plagiarism before submission.

Finally, we have discussed the differences between thesis and dissertation, their similarities, and the advantages of using the dissertation writing service for your dissertation.

Advantages of using as your dissertation writing service discussed in this module include a variety of dissertation writing services provided by, submission of dissertations before the deadline, guaranteed good grades in your dissertation, follows the instructions given by clients, saves you on time and cost, guaranteed of a plagiarism-free work and it expands your knowledge on dissertations and your field of study.

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