Terms and Conditions

Our Terms and Conditions

  1. Our Agreement to Act as Agency, acting on the authority of the Specialist, with You (the “Customer”)
  • We stand as agents for qualified specialists who are mandated to offer quality and original work to their customers.
  • The customers use us as an intermediary to get to these experts who task them with their assignments or research works upon entering an agreement with provisions going for a certain stipulated time.
  • We, the agents are directed by the specialists to process various actions including the personal data of the customers on their behalf.
  • Our Agency has the right to turn down any orders from the customers for several reasons and therefore make refunds for the payments they would have made in response to the orders.
  • The Agency tries to quote to the customer the time their order will be ready and the price to pay for the order through their website. In circumstances the customer does not get into the agreement, maybe concerning the prices or delivery time, we will therefore be forced to make a refund of their money paid in advance in respect to the order.
  • At times the customers may fail to be contented with the quality of the work done and delivered to them. In such instances, the agreement has different offers set for them.
  • The purpose of the Agency in this chain is to act on behalf of the specialist or as an intermediary between the specialists and their customers, therefore at no chance are customers expected to have direct communication with the specialists concerning their orders.
  1. Term of Appointment
  • Here, the commencement date is set once we, the Agency come into agreement with the customer on personal terms and they manage to make their payment for the service after which we assign them to their respective specialists.
  • The agreement between the collective parties runs for the stipulated time as agreed in the contract, except if one side of the parties decides to end the contract sooner before its completion following the provisions given.
  • Several clauses that may prompt termination of a contract by either of the parties such as; the Amendments to Completed Orders which may come as a result of changes in the course of the agreement like price changes, delivery times, or quality of their work; Personal Information and Data Protection when a customer might feel a breach in their privacy as the agencies warranty privacy for their customers; Copyright where the  contract may result into any material or inventions posed to copyright; and Refunds and Promises where the agency fails to honour this obligation.
  1. Agency Services
  • It is our responsibility as an Agency to make sure our customers get quality services. Therefore we are obligated to assign our customers’ orders to the most qualified experts who will produce customers’ expectations that will earn us trust.
  • About allocating suitable experts for customer orders, the Agency undertakes to scrutinize the level of expertise held by the experts ranging from their experience and qualifications to their record of handling tasks and whether they are specialized to handle the disciplines assigned by the customers.
  • Customers should prove full assurance that the orders they placed will not have any chances of cancellation after the Agency assigns the orders to the experts.
  • In circumstances the Agency agrees with the client on the payment of a deposit before the completion of the order, the client is expected to complete their payments in twenty-four hours advance before the delivery date as the term says. Failure to which delivery will be delayed until the customer accomplishes the promise
  1. Co-operation
  • It is expected and by terms that the client should provide all relevant information and accurate facts alongside the orders they place to prevent controversies in the writing and terms of pay or quality delivered.
  • Since the customers will expect much from our services, they are obligated to provide all accompanying information in the way they need their work written. By doing so, the Agency will come through to co-operate any suggestions between the customers and the research team on any guidelines to note at the beginning of the process, including any clarification questions the research team might have for the client for smooth working to its completion.
  • In cases the customer will create delays in the responses upon certain clarifications or failure to provide guiding information for their orders, this will create a general delay in the completion of the order and the Agency will not be held accountable for the mess that this might cause knowing it’s bound to the clients themselves. ‘Completion on Time Promise’ will be broken in such circumstances, therefore the clients need to take note.
  1. Approvals and Authority
  • Email addresses and direct phone contact provided by the client are the only channels of communication recommended to reach customers by the Agency or the Specialist in cases where they need certain information from them.
  • One response is received from the customers either through email or phone contact upon request, the Agency grants it as official communication from the customer, and its implemented as communicated regardless of the respondent.
  1. Personal Information and Data Protection
  • The Agency with the Specialists is only obligated by the Data Protection Act 2018 as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as the only laws that allow them to collect, store or use any personal data from their clients.
  • The Agency is mandated with the responsibility of a data controller where it acts as an intermediary between any information that is passed between the customer and the specialist, and for that case, it assumes full responsibility as regulated by the GDPR less it fails on its duty.
  • In this process, the specialist or expert handling the client’s work acts as a data processor for GDPR and they are supposed to also protect the client’s data from any other third party or breach their privacy as it is the role data processor.
  • Remember, personal data is only collected and held for specific reasons, majorly for processing the orders to be assigned and payments. Communication throughout the process is needed and this forms another reason to have the contact information of the client.
  • Customers can be assured to find a privacy policy on the Agency’s website which defines their operations alongside other provisions and customers can as well ask for a copy that can be sent to them directly.
  1. Changes to Work in Progress
  • In circumstances the customer may feel the need to make some changes to the order they already placed and already assigned to a specialist, an Agency may not have much effect in this until an agreement is made and accepted by the specialist.
  • Specialists can choose to accept any alterations or further information from the customer shortly after the agreement is made and the commencement date but in fact, it will not go against what was agreed upon in the first place.
  • Supposing the customer makes some changes or gives additional instructions to the original order specifications after the work is assigned to the expert for processing and fortunately the instructions do not conflict with the original information provided, they will be requested to pay for the inconvenience fees, an amount to be negotiated by the Agency on behalf of the Specialist as making the alterations will buy more time than the stated. Delay in the delivery of the work should also be expected and neither will the Agency or Specialist be held responsible.
  • Perhaps alterations in the order specificity are made in the progress of an order, this will call for an elongation in time taken to complete the order and will be communicated by the Agency to the customer on behalf of the Specialist where for this case ‘Completion on Time Promise will not be charged.
  1. Amendments to Completed Orders
  • Upon the completed order not meeting the needed standards, or else it does not meet the specifications as laid out on the Agency website, the Agency agrees that the customer has the right to ask for amendments for the work within seven days of the delivery period or even a longer one which will not be charged in any case.
  • The Customer Control Panel on the Agency website allows the customer to make one request that they need concerning the amendment of their orders which is then passed to the expert via the Agency for feedback.
  • Supposedly the Specialist fails to agree with the customer who passed their request on the amendments to be done to their work, customers are offered a chance to write down their comments. In some situations the two parties fail to come to an agreement that now forces the Agency to step in and resolve this as they act as the final decision-makers, in such a stance, another expert can be called upon to assess and final verdict given to both parties.
  • Remember, the customer will still be at liberty to make more amendment requests if the experts do not happen to fulfill their wishes in their request until something they needed is done ultimately.
  • In the situation that the process of amendment falls short of the time set for the process to take place, the Specialist with then decide to work it out as additional work where the customer will choose to accept or not and suppose they do, they will be needed to pay for the changes first before the process is commenced. This situation is similar to when the customers happen to ask for amendments that conflict with what was agreed in the original order specification.
  1. Fees
  • The aggregate charges indicated on the Agency’s website include payment for the services rendered by the Agency in form of commission, services for the experts, and the Value Added Tax as well.
  • In a situation where a customer has requested for an amendment to their work and this does not match with the specification of the original order, this will be charged with different rates that will be set by the Specialist before handling the amendment, as a proportional fee will also be levied that is payable to the Agency, upon which the customer will choose to accept to take the charges or reject.
  1. Value Added Tax

This varies from country to country and also tends to change from time to time, as the price is included in all price quotations passed by the Agency to their customers.

  1. Terms of Payment
  • The Agency undertakes to email the customer to make payments once he finds a suitable expert to handle the work, which marks the commencement date. However, the client might choose to place the order and make the payments altogether to fasten the process.
  • If, for instance, it is agreed between the Agency and the customer that they pay a deposit for the order and the remainder later in the process, it should be noted by the Customer that the payment will be due before the delivery date to avoid further delays in the delivery.
  • Once an order is paid for, or a deposit made upon an agreement, the order is assigned to an expert who begins to work on it immediately. Therefore at no point will the customer be allowed to cancel the order or make any refunds. Cancellation of the order can only happen once the customer has not honored the duty to pay or made any deposits regarding the placed order.
  • For that matter, the Customers are acknowledged with the Agency’s refund policies that they ought to agree and enter into good terms with before the placement of their orders, that state event that may or may not prompt any refund in the process as the services are highly specialized and therefore such disputes will only cause inconveniences.
  • Customers are allowed to make payments in form of MasterCard debit cards, Visa, or credit cards in US Dollars, and British Pound Sterling.
  • Customers, in the process of making payments, are always asked to preserve a copy of the transaction records as well as Merchant rules and policies.
  • Clients should always keep their accounts confidential, especially when dealing with their login details.
  • Customers should always expect to be notified by email upon the receiving of their payments by the Agency within 24 hours as it is always done.
  • As of the agreement to be entered between the parties, the customer needs to read and master the Agency’s terms of payment subject to the ‘Payment Up Front.’
  1. Payment Up Front
  • The customer ought to understand that at some times they might be requested to make payments alongside the placement of their orders before the Agency identifies an expert to handle their work.
  • In the instance that payments for the order have been made in advance, the Agency never assures the customer that they will find appropriate experts to handle their work.
  • Despite this and as already stated, the moment the Agency fails to find a suitable expert to complete the order placed by the customer despite having paid for it in advance, a refund for their money is necessary for these situations.
  1. Copyright and Fair Usage
  • The Agency assures their customers concerning any copyright issues as they will be sure never to find this work anywhere else except that it remains with the Specialist who handled the work.
  • On delivery of the assigned order to the respective customer, they are expected to only use the work as a model to come up with their original work. At no point is the customer required to hand in the work as theirs, or make any alterations to change ownership, resale the work, distribute it, or display it as they do not hold any copyright to the work. Doing so will be accredited as dishonesty and a violation of the terms of use which might be costly. Moreover, the work will be 100% plagiarised which is never recommended by any of the academic rules.
  • The Customers are always asked to run through the Fair Use Policy on the Agency’s website, understand them, and agree as they are the terms the Agency uses or follows to provide their services.
  • It is agreed that the Customer should write their work by using that supplied by the Specialist and under no circumstance should they go against this by taking ownership of this material. This will be termed a breach of copyright and would have gone against all the terms and conditions. A resolution to such a circumstance will be reached by the Agency itself.
  • The Customer understands that the work delivered to them by the Specialists is 100% clean work with no cases of plagiarism. The experts allocated the services are well experienced and ready to handle their personalised research to help students learn the concepts, figure out the steps as needed by the guidelines and build ideas to come up with their work. The mission is always to help them learn and not to cheat.
  • The Customer ought to understand that in case the Agency identifies that their work has been used in violation of any of the stated terms or rules, they may choose to terminate their services with the student or organization in question and not be held accountable for any liabilities or costs such practices may cause.
  • The Agency also guarantees its esteemed customers that no work done on their behalf will be distributed authoritatively or resold after its completion. Customers are assured that they will never find their work uploaded to any essay banks or websites, published to the public, or sold through the Agency.
  1. Final Mark Awarded 

The customers need to understand that even though their work might be handled by experienced experts who will assure them quality standards in their functioning, this does not necessarily assure them better grades or what to expect as their degree marks after submission.

  1. Refunds 
  • Under the details of the agreement clauses that may push for a refund to the customer in case it is necessary, the Specialists asks or requests the Agency to do that on their behalf after doing a full investigation and coming to the validity of doing so.
  • In a similar case, the Specialist might direct the Agency to make a pay refund to the customer in case the customer feels the Specialist has not met their agreed obligations according to the order specifications which will therefore call for a refund.
  • In cases where refunds are requested by the customer or are to be made, the Agency acts in compliance with the contractual principles and consumer protection legislation where they purpose to act in fairness for both the Specialist and Customer without raising any disputes amongst them.
  • After a resolution is made towards refunding the customers their pay, the Agency handles this transaction using the same means the customer used to make initial payments, either by debit card or credit card. A choice on the transaction media can only be given if the customer used none of the above, taking the example of direct bank transfer, the customer may choose the same or reserve the payment for a future order.
  1. Delivery- “Completion on Time Promise”
  • It is passed by an agreement that any delivery work will be done on the due date before midnight. In cases the due date happens to be on a Non-working Day or major holiday like Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, or Bank Holiday, the due date is pushed to the following day before midnight.
  • Therefore supposing the Agency will note coming days in the schedule to be Non-Working Days, they will communicate this through their website for customers to take note of the changes.
  • The Agency assures their customers on completion of the placed orders in full before the due date. Failure to which they will undertake to refund their money and the service made free of charge.
  • The Agency states the due date as the date agreed between the Agency and the customer for the delivery of their work. This is allocated once the order is assigned to a suitable specialist.
  • When changes in the customer’s due date are agreed upon and made between the two parties, this indicates a change in the Completion on Time Promise.
  • In case some technical errors caused by a third party like Mail Account Providers, Database Software, Internet Service Providers, or Incompatible Formats arise that result in late submission of the work, then the Agency will not be held accountable for the delay caused.
  • For instance, if the delay is caused by some technical problems born by the Agency itself or the third party contracted to provide them with the service, then they will provide valid proof on request or either way honour their Completion On Time Promise as required by their clients.
  • In unfortunate situations where the specialist faces illness, death, or their immediate family member causing the delay, then the Agency will not be held accountable.
  • Customers are free to contact the Agency through the Customer Control Panel on the Agency website in case of any delay caused in the delivery of their work. This can be any day after the due date or a day after the Non-Working Day. They will be sure to find a representative who will be able to help them out as well as provide them proof of the delay upon request.
  • In circumstances the customer chooses not to inform the Agency of a non-delivery on time, this will be a risk and a disservice to oneself as the Agency will not be held accountable. Provision of any proof by the Agency relating to the delay like illness or death of the Specialist, unavoidable technical problems or simply creating a stand that they managed to finish the order and managed to upload in time will entitle the customer to a no refund or offer involving any discounts. It is therefore wise for the customer to notify the Agency on time for any delays caused.
  • Situations caused by the customer might arise as already stated, where the customer can provide extra information even after the order was placed and assigned to a relevant Specialist causing a delay in the entire process. The customer can as well cause the delay by failing to make the payments in time as stipulated in the contract where they are supposed to pay the remaining balances 24 hours before the due date. Both these will lead to a delay in the customer’s due date without activating the Completion on Time Promise.
  • In cases when the customer agrees with the Specialist on ‘staggered delivery’, that this delivery is upon completion with no interval unlike it is with the Completion on Time Promise, then the Completion on Time Promise becomes the delivery date.
  1. Plagiarism- “No Plagiarism Refund Promise”
  • In cases when the customer identifies plagiarism in the work delivered, here is when the No Plagiarism Promise takes effect. In this case, the Specialist will be needed to make a full refund of the customer’s money.
  • Plagiarism will be present when the specialist; 
  1. uses some words or ideas directly from other writers;
  2. alters the material from a source without changing its original meaning;
  3. altering or using synonyms to change the wordings but still maintaining the structure of the sentence without citation or giving credit;
  4. providing wrote citations for the statement in quotation;
  5. Using large sections of another writer’s ideas or words even if credit and quotations are given;
  6. Fails to make proper quotations over copied statements.
  • Where there will be disagreements between the customer and the Specialist as to whether the work contains plagiarism or not, the Agency may step in to resolve this by involving a different qualified expert to review the whole work and give the final verdict. The Agency’s decision is always final.
  • In circumstances where the customer colludes with the Specialist to bring in cases of plagiarism so that the Agency may process a refund of their money, this will be regarded as dishonest and no refund will be made.
  • In cases where the percentage or level of plagiarism will presume to be so low, a No Plagiarism Refund Promise will be made as this will be assumed to be a minor mistake in the writing.
  • Supposing the Specialist states the plagiarism in their work to be a mistake, the Agency, and another expert will reviews and confirms this, and concerning the available circumstances and the history of the Specialist with the Agency, it will make a final decision as to whether a refund will be necessary or not.
  • In a given circumstance where the Agency will note the plagiarism earlier and contact the customer in advance before they even realize this or contact the Agency over the same after the delivery, the refund will not apply but a rewrite of the work will be provided, upon the request of the Customer.
  1. Level Requested Promise
  • When the Specialist’s final work does not meet the expected standards or the ordered grade, the Customer will be made eligible for a full refund of the payment made in response to the order.
  • The refund is deemed to be different for the Master’s Distinction, Undergraduate First, or other top grades as the cost paid for the order, and at what cost they would be charged if the Customers ordered at the grade of the completed work would be different.
  • The Level Requested Promise ids are only made functional for three calendar months that commence from the due date of the placed order as agreed between the parties.
  • Work delivered will be assured the First standard when the order is placed at the Upper first level. Failure of the work to attain the status will call for a refund, but the attainment of the status will not have any refund to be made.
  • Where the work did not attain the quality standards paid for and the customer wishes to claim the same, they are required to provide sound evidence to the Agency, ranging from the results attained in the assignment, the comments given by the tutor and the copy of the original work handed that was handed in. in case the assignment can to be justified by the results scored, the customer should provide accompanying valid evidence that can be evaluated and entitle them to a refund.
  • For the customer to be entitled to a full refund of the order, they must raise the complaint within the 3 calendar months for confirmation and validation. Supposing they delay in making the complaint after the date is due, but found that a refund was surely necessary, then they might only be eligible for a credit voucher of two-thirds of the total value.
  • Once a customer provides all the necessary evidence to claim a refund, the Agency undertakes to review using all the available information including employing a qualified expert to assess before making its final decision.
  • In the circumstance that the customer approves all information that supports the evidence that the work never met the ordered standards, they must notify the Agency immediately so that they can account for the same before deciding on making a refund or not. This whole process is made confidential and the Agency acts as the final.
  • If supposing the work truly never met the ordered standards as expected by the client, with the reasons being that the client made different specifications of the order including requests on the amendments that had the quality lowered, it will be on the chance that no refund will be made for such a situation as well it not have been for them, the desired quality standards would have been met.
  • No refund will also be made to the customer in the instance where the quality standard ordered was not attained, because the Customers made their order specifications in a way that they were open to ambiguity.
  • If the Specialist delivers Work with low-quality standards away from what was ordered in terms of the assignment instructions or course simply because the Customer never gave full details on the specifications or was not what the guidelines of the assignment indicated, then the customer is entitled to a no refund by the Agency.
  • Even though the Agency acts as the final decision maker in case a refund is claimed, it will always provide the customer with valid evidence as to how the decision came to be. It might also issue a copy of the expert’s assessment report that proves the invalidities but upon the customer’s request.
  1. General 
  • It’s a rule that children under the age of 18 are prohibited from making registrations or any kind of transactions with the website as fully pledged customers.
  • The Agency is available for use in over 190 countries. Our services varies based on the country and will change from time to time. The Agency uses a geo-blocking feature to restrict the use of the whole, or some parts of our website. Note: Skylink Research is not available in North Korea, Russia, Burma, and Syria. In Africa, our website is ONLY available in the Republic of South Africa.
  • The Agency does not employ, directly or indirectly, or interact with persons from the countries named above. 
  • The Agency only operates from 9 am-6 pm on weekdays (Monday-Friday), 10 am-6 pm on Saturdays, and never operates on Non-Working Days although we may be prompted to work on Non-Working Days although it will be out of our will and we will always notify that on our service website.
  • Direct contacts and email messages may not be responded to immediately due to the high influx of communications from different personnel but at least we assure you that we always try to get back to every request received from our customers and urgent requests are dealt with immediately.
  • When the customer chooses to rely on our services for their assignments which might be at risk of delay in delivery or going past the deadlines presumed by the customer as per the rules of the assignment, the Agency will not be held accountable for the delay caused that we shall only go by the Customer’s due date.
  • It’s always up to the customers to understand that opinions given by Agency, the experts, and its employees concerning their services are only taken as views and not advice. Also, the marketing agents for our Agency might use statements that are not authorized by the Agency and may not prove any policies or regulations that we hold as an Agency. Therefore the customers need to be keen on those aspects.
  • Customers are always recommended to check in with the directions and regulations of their universities before making the step of placing orders with the Agency. The decision to use research experts to handle their assignment should be bound to their own will as the Agency and its team will not be held accountable for any troubles caused supposing the customer went against the rules and regulations of the institution to hand it their work for assistance when it’s against the requirements.
  • Customers also ought to understand that all the services they might need are available within the Agency and the Work supplied is only meant to guide them on how to tackle the assignments, or guidelines to make them come up with their own that do not entail any professional advice.
  • The Customer should acknowledge that even though the Agency will work their best to ensure that they deliver the best of their services and satisfy the expectations of their Customers, errors and inaccuracies might at times but the Agency in togetherness with their experts and employees will not be held accountable although they may create ways to make amendments or offer discounts willingly if such inaccuracies happen.
  • The Agency also holds the mandate to turn down orders from Customers or deny them agreements for several reserved reasons.
  • The Agency, on behalf of the Specialist, may choose to discontinue providing services to certain Customers when it comes to their notice that the customer intents to use their written Work from the Agency to cause infringement in its Fair Use Policy.
  • Both the Agency and the Customer should agree that the laid down terms and conditions act as binding rules from the Commencement Date.
  • The laid down terms and conditions are meant to denote the rules set on the agreements between the Customers and the Agency and are meant to pass a verdict for agreements done orally or in writing, including resolving conflicts and representations.
  • It’s agreed between the parties that in the process of searching for suitable experts to handle the research services, they should also get in touch with the terms and work to protect the rights of both parties.
  • Following the Contracts Act of 1999, the parties are not required to involve a third party or give them the mandate to administer the provisions of the agreement if they were not part of the agreement from the beginning.
  • If the court considers any provision of the agreement between the agency and the Customer as unlawful or against the requirements of the law, the provision then, to be served by the contract will be held ineffective and detached from the agreement without affecting other provisions present in the agreement, and shall not in any way validate any resolutions.
  • All phone calls made between the Agency and the Customers are recorded and kept for quality assurance purposes and training.
  1. Promotional Email Campaigns
  • The Agency is lenient to provide students with past papers, plagiarism software, and marking and editing services.
  • Customers are allowed to give consent to the Agency in the Customer account interface that allows the Agency to either reach you by email, SMS, or telephone to inform you about any new promotions or goods and services that you might be interested in.

     21. Offers and Discounts

    • Only one discount can be applied per order. 
    • Codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or promotions running at the time of purchase.