Why, When, and How to Hire a Dissertation Writer/Editor

If you’re wondering what to expect from a dissertation writer or tutor, then this page will be of great help to you. Let’s go!

Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees…
John Heywood, 1546, London.

We’re sure you know how this feels. You’re a graduate student and have been struggling to come up with a topic for your dissertation project. Or better still, you have your topic approved but cannot find the right research materials to help you piece your dissertation proposal together. More even, you have the dissertation proposal approved but are unable to proceed or finish your dissertation due to some reasons, including lack of time and many more.

At this point you know that something isn’t right, but you’re so bogged down in your dissertation topic that you can’t figure out what. At this point, you need an outside perspective – and that means hiring a dissertation specialist to help you achieve your educational goals. Of course, hiring a dissertation helper is easier said than done. When is the right time to start? What type of dissertation service do you need? Are you even ready to work with a dissertation specialist?

All of these questions are important to consider before diving into professional dissertation help – so, in this article, let us walk you through everything you should know before hiring a dissertation specialist to help your complete your dissertation!

One of the most common pieces of advice I give to graduate students is, “you should work with a dissertation specialist.” Many of them nod sagely, already knowing why professional dissertation help services are so important – but many of them counter by asking why. Why is professional dissertation writing services so valuable for graduate students?

The answer comes down to four main reasons:

  • Expertise: Professional Dissertation Specialists are experts who understand the whole process of writing a dissertation, as well as subject mastery
  • Craft: Professional Dissertation Specialists can teach you valuable writing skills that will benefit every dissertation or any other research project you might write, now and in future
  • Perspective: They provide an outside perspective, which is key to overcoming roadblocks in your dissertation writing process
  • Accountability: Yes! They hold you accountable, ensuring your final dissertation is the best it can be

Thus, regardless of how much time you have to finish your dissertation, the reality is that editing is one of the best investments you can make in your dissertation’s success-both in terms of your time and money.

The Ph.D. Supervisory Committee and or Institutional Review Board expect the dissertations presented to them to be polished, while Dissertation supervisors rarely have time to bother with dissertations that need significant revisions. The result is that professional dissertation writing services aren’t something to ignore. Not only will they help you earn those coveted grades, but they could also be the final push you need to actually graduate with a PhD!

With that said, simply saying “you need a dissertation specialist” is a bit too simple

There are many types of dissertation specialists out there, and which is right for you will depend on where you are in the writing process. Fortunately, while every dissertation writing specialist is slightly different, it is important to ask yourself “When is the Best Time to Hire a Dissertation Specialist?”

Now that you know why it is important to hire a dissertation specialist, it’s time to think about when you should actually hire a dissertation specialist of your own.

This is a tricky part of the dissertation writing process, for a few reasons. For one, many graduate students simply don’t know when it’s the right time to engage a specialist. They either hire a one too early, before their proposal has been accepted or they wait until they’ve wasted months stressing over problems that would have been much easier to solve with a second opinion.

So, how do you know when you’re ready to start looking for a dissertation specialist?

Well, there are a few signs you’ll want to consider, depending on the type of dissertation help you’re thinking about and where you are in the writing process:

Topic Selection:

Topic selection is the first type of service most students need. This is a great service to look into after you don’t have an idea about what topic suits your project better.

Dissertation Proposal:

A dissertation proposal is a coherent and concise summary of your proposed research for the entire proposal. It sets out the major issues or questions that you intend to cover in the dissertation. It acts as a general framework of the general area of study within which your dissertation falls, referring to the current state of knowledge and any recent debates on the topic.

Dissertation Chapter:

Sometimes, graduate students find it difficult completing some particular chapters or sections of their dissertations. It could be just the Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Conclusion, or just another chapter. It is therefore important to hire a dissertation specialist to assist you come up with a well written chapter based on your dissertation proposal, or on the initial chapters that you might have written.

Full Dissertation:

If you’re like many students, you simply don’t have much time in your busy schedule to pen down a full 100-page dissertation, and thus, you need help with every step of the process. From planning to final edits and everything in between. This is the most comprehensive dissertation writing service there is, but it saves you a lot of time.

Dissertation Editing:

Once your dissertation is finalized, a dissertation editor will help you polish your draft before you begin formatting and preparing your defense. At this point, your dissertation content won’t change-only the words you use to tell it. This is a great service to consider if your dissertation draft needs a boost.

Dissertation Proofreading:

As your dissertation approaches the final stretch, you’ll want to hire a professional dissertations proof-reader to root out any final typos, mistakes, or errors in your dissertation draft. Of course, this only works if the rest of your draft is in its final form. Because of this, you should save proofreading for last.

Dissertation Coaching:

Dissertation coaching is very customisable, meaning it can be a great option no matter where you are in the writing process. If you need someone to hold you accountable as you work on your first draft, a dissertation coach can help! Likewise, a dissertation coach can also help you arrange the chapters in order, prepare for the defense, or anything in between. Whatever you need, hiring a dissertation coach be a wise choice.

Dissertation Writing Help Online!

Of course, you don’t need to hire every type of dissertation specialists for every step of the process.

While it would be great to work with a dissertation coach, writer, editor, and proofreader, that’s not always realistic. In those cases, we encourage you to figure out the weakest parts of your dissertation. Do you desperately need help fixing typos, or would that money be better spent on story-level revisions? Are you struggling to hold yourself accountable, or are you looking to improve your prose?

Depending on your answers, you can pick the right starting place. How to Find the Right Dissertation Specialist for You

How to Hire a Dissertation Specialist:

With all that in mind, the final step of this process is actually finding and hiring a suitable dissertation specialist. You know what type of dissertation service you need, and you know that you’re ready for it-so, how do you get the ball rolling?

Well, once you know what type of dissertation specialist you’re looking for, ask these questions:

  • What is your subject of study?
  • What is your entire budget?
  • When do you need the dissertation project completed?
  • What level of experience do you want from your dissertation specialist?
  • What are your goals for this dissertation?

Next, go to our order page and request us to provide you with the most suitable candidate for your dissertation. As you go about this process, try to remain flexible. For instance, if we provide you with our most suitable dissertation specialist who is highly qualified in your subject area but does not live in your city, don’t be afraid to give them a chance.

Likewise, if you ever have any questions about a specific dissertation specialist’s service, the best thing you can do is ask. At Skylink Research, we give the client the autonomy to work and communicate directly with their writer. Simply send them an email or set up an intro call. This is a quick way not only to get an answer, but also to get a feel for who the dissertation specialist is as a person.

Above all, keep in mind that entire writing is a personal process

Your dissertation project is important, so find a dissertation specialist who shares your vision for your project and is excited to work with you. This doesn’t mean your dissertation specialist won’t tell you hard truths or provide constructive criticism-but it does mean they’re invested in your dissertations’s success!

NOTE: Want to hire a dissertation specialist, but not sure where to start? Simply Fill Out the Order Form and we will be in touch as soon as 15 minutes! If by any chance you feel that the first specialist, we recommend to you is not a good fit for your dissertation, we’ll be happy to recommend another, and another, until you find the right match. 

If everything looks good, we’ll get to work right away.

NOTE: Want to work with a dissertation coach, but not sure where to start? Check out our FREE dissertation writing course! Whether you’re trying to plan or edit your dissertation, we’d love to guide you through the process. 

Planning Your Next Steps…

Obviously, hiring a dissertation specialist (no matter what type they are) is a big project. Not only is there a financial investment, but there’s also an investment of time too. Finding the right dissertation specialist is now a breeze with Skylink Research.

Luckily, we’ve done the vetting to bring to you only the best specialists

No matter what type of dissertation specialist you hire, their professional advice and knowledge will go a long way towards helping you write a better dissertation and get the most out of the writing process. So, don’t be afraid to get the ball rolling! The time and money spent will absolutely be worth bringing your dream dissertation to life. 

Skylink Research Team
The Only UK Dissertation Writing Service Company You Can Trust

Free Dissertation Course

Learn from the basics of choosing a topic to how to proceed with a successful dissertation. You’ll learn how to:

  • How to choose right Dissertation Topic
  • Literature Review & Research Methodology 
  • How to Write Dissertation 
  • How to Present Your Results
  • Different Chapters of Dissertation, and More!
Skylink Research