How to Write a Dissertation Introduction

When writing a dissertation introduction, one has to explain the title, discuss the topic and present a background so that readers understand the topic. Furthermore, a dissertation introduction should be clear, concise, logical, and informative.

Writing a Dissertation Introduction

When deciding how to arrange your dissertation, keep in mind that you’ll be significantly better off writing the introduction, conclusion, and abstract after completing all of the other sections. This is because of the retrospective means of writing, which means that the introduction and the conclusion will tie up the ideas written in the dissertation.

Skylink Research

The abstract and introduction are the first chapters of any dissertation. Someone reading your dissertation will read these two first; hence, it’s reasonable to presume that they should be written first. However, this is not the case. When deciding how to arrange your dissertation, keep in mind that you’ll be significantly better off writing the introduction, conclusion, and abstract after completing all of the other sections. This is because of the retrospective means of writing, which means that the introduction and the conclusion will tie up the ideas written in the dissertation. Using these methods saves you time as most ideas in a dissertation evolve as you write your dissertation and leave you to go back and rewrite the dissertation. Writing these three as the last chapters will also ensure that all the information is captured. Finally, this format helps the reader with a better overview of the content in the dissertation. Below are ways to write an introduction to your dissertation.

The introduction of a dissertation

Getting started with your introduction, you must ensure that it can handle the following things;

  • Give some context to your study by providing some basic background information.
  • Determine the focus of your research.
  • Emphasize the importance of your study, including secondary sources.
  • Define your research’s particular goals and objectives.

It would be best to start by writing the background information; then, the remaining three steps will fall according to your dissertation data. You may, however, mix and combine these elements to fit your individual needs. In addition, more components may be incorporated in addition to these four requirements. For example, some students like to include their research questions in the first paragraph of their dissertation to expose readers to the study’s goals and objectives and a concrete framework for the analysis. Other students may postpone discussing research approaches until the end of the literature review or the beginning of the methodology.

There is no set length for a dissertation introduction; it will vary depending on the overall size of the dissertation. However, aiming for a length of 5-7 per cent of the total is often considered appropriate. Your introduction should include sub-sections with suitable headers and subheadings and a list of some of the primary sources you intend to utilize throughout the main research. Another reason why writing the introduction for your dissertation last is advantageous is because it allows you to focus on other aspects of the paper. Because you’ve already prepared the chapter on literature review, the most important authors will stand out, and you’ll be able to highlight this study to the best of your abilities.

Your introduction should focus on the following aspect to reach its full purpose;

  1. Background section
  2. Research focus
  3. The value of your research
  4. The research and the objectives

1. Background section

The background section has several goals, one of which introduces the reader to the topic. Simply stating the context and emphasis of your study and what led you to this area of research is often regarded as improper. Instead, the reader must understand why your study is valuable. You can accomplish this by identifying a research gap and an issue that needs to be addressed. Students frequently make the mistake of justifying their study by claiming that they are interested in the subject. While this is a crucial aspect of any research study and the researcher’s sanity, the writing in the dissertation should go beyond “interesting” to explain why this research is needed. A backdrop section can be used to do this.

It would be best to start drafting your background section by selecting key aspects of your issue that the reader should be aware of right away. An excellent place to start is to list the top 5-7 readings/authors who have had the biggest impact on you (and as demonstrated in your literature review). Once you’ve found them, jot down some quick notes about why they were so significant and how they tie in with your broader theme. Next, consider what crucial language is necessary for the reader to comprehend your dissertation. While your dissertation may contain a glossary or a list of acronyms, the background section allows you to emphasize two or three key phrases.

  1. Research focus

This section focuses on providing information on the research focus and the rationale of the study. You must be able to explain why you conducted this study in the first place and specify the areas you aim to explore. Keep in mind that your research topic should be related to the background data you supplied before. While the sections may have been written on different days or even months, they must all flow together well. Make sure the reader knows how the pieces are related by using transitional language. Think of the research emphasis as a link between what has been done previously and where your research is going. Again, you want to ease the reader into your topic, so beginning your section with “my research concentration is…” might be harsh. Instead, present the main issue, explain why research in your field is important, and the research field’s overall relevance. This should assist you in delivering your objectives and aims.

  1. The value of your research

This section needs a sub-section of its own in the dissertation introduction. It is important to people who will be reviewing the quality of your work and shows that you have thought about how it offers value. Students’ most common error when arranging their dissertation is omitting this sub-section. The notion of ‘adding value’ does not have to be some huge accomplishment in research that gives substantial contributions to the area, but you must use one to two lines to clearly describe the merit of your work. There are several ways to respond to the issue of the worth of your study. First, you may argue that the area/topic you’ve chosen for inquiry needs serious scrutiny. Second, you may be approaching the issue from a unique perspective, which might be perceived as bringing value. Third, your study may be fairly urgent in some circumstances, and value might be contributed in this fashion. Whatever rationale you come up with to solve the value-added inquiry, make sure that you directly explain the importance of the additional value of the study somewhere in this area.

  1. The research and objectives

To begin with, goals and objectives are two distinct concepts that should be addressed as such. These are usually generated as part of the proposal process, so including them in your dissertation beginning is only a question of organization and clarity. A wide aim is typically set for a research endeavour. This has to be reiterated straightforwardly and straightforwardly. The objectives are frequently derived from the overall purpose and define how that goal will be met. They are brief, clear, and distinct statements typically grouped numerically or in a bullet point format. You must make sure that your study objectives are acceptable, specific, obvious, and attainable while formulating them. Each research goal should begin with a key term and be numerically balanced. Starting with modest goals will assist in setting the tone for the research.

Finally, keep in mind that these research goals must be addressed in your study. You can’t just mention them at the start of your dissertation and then ignore them. Like any other in the dissertation, this section must be cited in the results and discussion, as well as the conclusion. If your dissertation introduction is well-organized and clean, you’ll be well to writing success with this chapter.