How to Write a Dissertation in 2022 - The Definitive Guide

This guide provides an excellent practical guide for anyone working on their dissertations, ensuring that they will have a rigorous, yet rewarding dissertation experience during the entire process. The guide contains sound academic research advice in an easy to understand and follow format. 

The Dissertation Journey: A Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Writing, and Defending Your Dissertation

A dissertation is a tough mountain to climb; half of all doctoral students never make it to the top. To overcome the practical, social, and psychological obstacles along the way, you need a knowledgeable guide and the right tools. This comprehensive how-to-guide takes you through the in-depth process of developing and writing a quality dissertation provides all the insights you might require during the entire process.

How to Write a Dissertation in 2022 - The Definitive Guide

It probably becomes easier to write a good dissertation that can convince the committee and enable you to graduate in time if you understand the right steps. However, many Master’s and Ph.D. students drop out of their courses after failing to complete their research in time. You need to understand the critical role played by your supervisor in determining the success of your dissertation. 

Professors differ in training backgrounds which could influence their supervising approaches. Even if you may believe that your piece of research is right, your supervisor may turn you down. They may either ask you to revise some sections of the dissertation or re-do the whole chapter, if not the whole work. That sounds hectic and nagging! Right? Anyway, whatever you do, ensure to choose the topic/ idea that both you and your supervisor are interested in.

Do not worry anymore if you’re still struggling with or wondering how to start your dissertation research. This step-by-step guide offers you the most effective strategies to help you succeed in writing your dissertation and graduate in a specified time.

Skylink Research

What Is a Dissertation?

A dissertation involves an expanded piece of research writing between 10,000 to 20,000 words on a specific topic chosen by the student with the help of their supervisors or departments. It’s generally partitioned into different but interconnected chapters. A dissertation contains headings and subheadings, sometimes numbered according to their respective chapters. A dissertation answers a specific research question(s) and can either report on literature or an empirical-based study.

 Albeit the dissertation’s purpose is to provide answers to the research question, the process is more considered than the findings. Mostly, a dissertation is a final Ph.D. program’s step and a doctoral students’ source of pride. Often, the dissertation involves a compilation of practical and academic knowledge. For many students, it can be their first publication.

Types of Dissertations

The type of dissertation can differ depending on the course you’re pursuing or university requirements. For the undergraduate dissertations, the examiners will presume that you opt largely for practical or theoretical depending on your subject or selected topic. While writing your dissertation, there’s a likelihood of either taking a theoretical or practical approach. But if you’re pursuing social science research, both theoretical and practical considerations are applied simultaneously.

There are three main types of dissertations:

Empirical dissertations. Empirical research involves gathering primary data to test the hypotheses. You can gather data in numerous ways, i.e., from observations and questionnaires to focus groups and interviews. For instance, if you’re researching patients’ reactions, responses, or perceptions on particular treatment programs, you must discover strategies for interviewing the involved individuals to obtain their views or perceptions on a given phenomenon. If you choose empirical research, it necessitates you practice ethical and professional guidelines in collecting data from the identified group members.

Non-empirical dissertations. A non-empirical research grounds on the existing arguments and data published by other researchers or scholars. A decision to do this type of research cannot be taken lightly. You need to spend a lot of time reading extensively. You should not just describe or summarize what’s said by others. Rather, you need to scrutinize different findings, ideas, or opinions and critically analyze them while exploring their practical applications. Some students find it challenging to sustain a lengthy argument throughout their dissertations which makes this non-empirical approach undesirable. However, if the library is like your living room, you enjoy reading, discussing, and thinking theory like movie fanatics, non-empirical research could be your perfect choice. When writing a non-empirical dissertation, you should understand the substantial role of basing your research on the existing theories. Writing a dissertation that draws upon the renowned theories takes a more applied approach; however, it can also be theoretical exclusively.

Narrative dissertations. If you’re still uncertain between a non-empirical and empirical dissertation, a narrative approach could be another way of carrying out your research, depending on the course or university requirements. Writing a dissertation on science subjects tends to concentrate on laboratory reporting. This involves describing all setup aspects and time spent gathering data for analysis. Field trips and laboratory work contribute to students’ experience when writing their dissertations. Thus, it may become possible to use biography or classics passage as an example or illustration in your dissertation.

Understanding The Purpose of a Dissertation

Sometimes referred to as a ‘thesis,’ dissertation writing enables students to present their research findings addressing a specific proposition or question they may choose themselves or the department. A dissertation tests students’ independent research capabilities obtained during their tenure at university. The defined assessment(s) are normally applied to determine the final grades from the thesis. 

Your dissertation is an essential element towards education achievement and proof of research capabilities, which can be transferred from classroom theoretical perspective to application in addressing real-world challenges. Preparation and writing a dissertation portray your critical thinking, research, and writing skills. 

Successful completion of a dissertation fosters your chances to join the ranks of renowned researchers and scholars to contribute to your chosen field’s growth and development. If you’re seeking to enhance your career in areas of academia and research, a dissertation may act as proof of your suitability for the available positions. Irrespective of your career, a dissertation can enhance your C.V. as some employers are interested in specific skills among employees like time management, writing, analytical, and report writing.

Thesis Vs. Dissertation

As a graduate student, professors will assign you different challenging assignments and coursework. The accumulation of these research assignments will contribute towards your dissertation or thesis, a precondition to earn your doctoral or master’s degree.

In some universities or continents, the terms “thesis” and “dissertation” are used interchangeably or have similar meanings. However, they can be differentiated depending on the level of education. The master’s level requires a shorter thesis, while the doctoral level requires a lengthy thesis known as a dissertation.

What is a thesis? A thesis refers to a ‘scholarly piece of writing’ often prepared by students completing their master’s degrees. In some cases, undergraduates are asked to write a thesis; however, it does not involve deep research like a master’s thesis.

Is a thesis different from a dissertation? Yes, there are numerous differences between a dissertation and a thesis. Let’s break down the differences between the two types of graduate research. The main difference between a thesis and a dissertation is the degree programs or levels requiring these projects. Students at doctoral degree programs must complete a dissertation while master’s students write a thesis as a precondition for their graduation. A dissertation and thesis differ based on the required type of research. When writing a thesis, you must research a selected topic, analyze and comment on the information obtained, and establish the relationship between dependent and independent variables. While completing a dissertation, doctoral students are asked to conduct their research and perform analyses. The master’s students can complete their thesis by conducting desktop research. Additionally, a dissertation is normally longer than a thesis. An average dissertation must have 100 to 300 pages, whereas a thesis might be between 40 to 80 pages, but it can differ depending on the program.

Purdue University defines a dissertation as “an extremely ‘complex work.” It’s long since it requires detailed research and background information, your proposal’s details, and how you arrived at the conclusions.

What are the similarities between a thesis and a dissertation? Despite the differences between a dissertation and thesis, the two pieces of scholarly writing require intensive research and original writing to complete the lengthy papers. Towards the end of your dissertation/ thesis, there’s always a committee to approve your research or recommend areas that need adjustment. 

You’ll be required to work directly and indirectly with a selected committee consisting of faculty members, similar professionals, and advisors. In addition, both a thesis and dissertation require you to have the following capabilities:

• Willingness to rewrite, revise or edit based on your professors, committee members, or peers’ feedback. 

• In-depth expertise and understanding of the subject area. 

• Critical thinking and analytical reasoning. 

• A substantial time investment, i.e., months for theses and years for dissertations. 

• Solid skill for defending academic arguments.

Starting Your Dissertation

Devoting substantial time to plan and structure your dissertation at university is pivotal to completing your course in time. If you fail to plan your research well, completing your doctoral or master’s degree program may become a nightmare.
Whether it’s your Ph.D., Master’s, or undergraduate dissertation you intend to complete, the following strategies should guide you to keep on the right track until the completion of your project.

Carefully select a topic for your dissertation: It’s paramount to choose a research area that is meaningful and engaging. Perhaps, it should be an issue that matches your career ambitions and contributes positively towards the wider academic community as advised by Prospects.
A dissertation gives you a moment to showcase your thoughts, ideas, and capabilities by conducting in-depth investigations on a specific area. If you are still struggling with ideas or the research area, you can read academic journals, academic materials, and newspapers to identify existing issues. These can inspire your dissertation activities or topic selection.

In their book, John D. Cone and Sharon L. Foster give some tips that can help succeed in the process of selecting a research topic:

  • Ask your friendly professor, especially the one involved in active research, about the possible topics or current interesting areas.
  • Read numerous empirical papers with information that interests you. Identify the suggested future research areas in the discussion sections.
  • You also read departmental information on its research interests. This can help you find research topics that could interest any faculty member. Ask the interested faculty member to be part of your dissertation/ thesis committee since they will guide you throughout your research.
  • Reconsider the term papers you wrote as part of classwork, select various topics that reflect your interests, and narrow to one area for your dissertation.
  • Additionally, you can peruse the existing literature related to your area of interest to understand the previous studies. You can select a research topic that addresses the identified gaps.

Choose or select a supervisor: Once you’ve decided on the topic, you should discuss it with your supervisor or chair. Remember, you must obtain the committee’s approval for your research topic or proposal. Therefore, you should allow yourself ample time to alter, tweak or conduct some changes in your ideas to align best with the committee or supervisor’s recommendations.

How to choose a friendly and honest advisor for your dissertation?: Choosing the right supervisor, advisor, or mentor for your dissertation can be as good as selecting a research topic. You should not only restrain yourself to only supervisors in your field of study, anyone with whom you share an academic relationship can offer the required mentorship to complete your dissertation/ thesis.

A supervisor guides you by offering advice and suggestions on framing, re-thinking, or re-framing your research, topic, or dissertation elements. They help track your progress, right from choosing a topic/ proposal to writing the results to defend your Master’s or Ph.D. thesis. Jabre, Bannon, McCain, and Eglit shared simple rules for choosing a “Ph.D. supervisor.” Firstly, align your research interests with your prospective supervisor’s interests.

Secondly, seek information about the reputation of proposed supervisors from trusted sources. The sought information may pertain mentor’s exciting projects in your field and group research dynamics.
Lastly, ensure you share workstyle compatibility with your supervisor, such as time, expectations, location, etc. If you choose an incompatible supervisor, the chances of completing your dissertation on time may be slim, which could make it difficult to complete your master’s or Ph.D. course.

Understanding strategies for writing a dissertation proposal: Once the dissertation committee or supervisor approves your research topic, you can start writing a proposal as the next phase for your dissertation.
Writing a dissertation proposal is a vital step towards starting and completing your final thesis/ dissertation as a requirement for research or taught Ph.D. or master’s level course. A dissertation proposal helps in making clear plans for your final research project. You should write a unique proposal as it acts as a stage for your entire research.
Mainly, the proposal explains the purpose of your dissertation and outlines the strategies you intend to employ when conducting your research. Therefore, writing a comprehensive and detailed dissertation proposal will help ease the writing process of your final dissertation as it keeps you focused on the research strategy and research scope.The following should not miss in your dissertation proposal:

  • An introduction to your dissertation/ thesis topic.
  • Research question(s)
  • Specific aims and objectives of your research.
  • A literature review of the existing research/ publications in your preferred field.
  • A proposed methodology (including data collection and analysis) to be used in a final dissertation.
  • The implications of your research to academic or community.
  • The potential constraints for your research
  • References/ bibliography

How to write an introduction for a dissertation proposal?
When writing an introduction, ensure to mention clearly your ‘central research question’ and give brief background information about the topic. You should also relate the contextual information to any other issues encompassing it.
You should outline what your final project intends to investigate or discover clearly and precisely.

How to write a methodology for a dissertation research proposal?
You’ll use a dissertation methodology to break down the sources you aim to utilize during your research and the type of data obtained from qualitative or quantitative.

Also, do not forget to mention the strategies you plan to employ in data analysis in your dissertation.

Planning the Work for Your Dissertation

Writing a dissertation can be a daunting task, although easier to pronounce! You must devote substantial effort and time to planning and executing the project. Short on time? Here are the nine (9) steps of planning a dissertation:

  1. Planning your dissertation
  2. Time management
  3. Addressing writers block
  4. Ensure you write every day
  5. Include all the vital information
  6. Cite all sources
  7. Proofread your work thoroughly.
  8. Seek advise from your supervisor
  9. Finalise and prepare for your defense

Whether you choose to use secondary or primary data sources, time, efforts, and other monetary resources must be involved. That sounds scary, right?? Many students fail to complete their courses at the Master’s and Ph.D. levels because of research work. However, you can avoid all those delays by adopting the following process:

1. Begin with an outline. Since a dissertation is a broad task that requires months and years to complete, proper planning for all activities could help you maintain consistency throughout the entire project. Most dissertation supervisors encourage their students to create outlines for proper tracking of all progress and correct in case of any divergences from the original plan. 

An outline can help remind you of the order of sections and subsections and what should be done under them. Most dissertations outlines follow the uniform structure as outlined below:

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Chapter 3. Research Design and Methodology

Chapter 3. Research Design and Methodology

Chapter 4. Results/ Findings and Discussion

Chapter 5. Conclusions and Recommendations

Chapter 6. Bibliography and Appendices

Chapter 1. Introduction

The introductory section allows you set out the general issue/ topic under investigation and your research’s specific focus. The introduction section normally includes: 

  • The issue you intend to investigate, address, and its significance in the academia or community. 
  • A brief and clear statement of your research hypothesis and questions.
  • Definitions of key terms used to be used in the research.
  • The basic ‘theoretical assumptions’ you intend to integrate into the research. 

Generally, the introduction will help give your readers the basic information to guide them while reading through the other parts of your dissertation.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

The literature review is often written as Chapter 2 of your dissertation. The literature review allows you to introduce the key texts, theories, and thinkers. The literature review includes:

• A panorama of major controversies and issues in the subject area. 

• Some information on the current state of investigations and the latest work to attest how your study contributes to the existing knowledge.

• State the theorists (or theories/ models) you’re modifying or building upon.

• Studies that query your theoretical presuppositions or hypotheses. 

You can choose to organize your literature review chronologically, by topic, or following other methods. Whatever method you or your supervisor opt for, ensure to form topic and subtopics to help in covering all the intended literature or information. 

It’s advisable you first select the sources before starting to review them. The references must be over 75 and 100 for a Master’s thesis and Ph.D. dissertation, respectively. All the sources should be reliable, i.e., academic sources such as peer-reviewed articles, scholarly journal articles, textbooks, government and renowned international organizations’ publications, and news articles. 

Remember to utilize the most recent data. They should not be older than five years unless you’re using time series data. 

The literature review should be concluded with a brief summary where you reiterate all the gaps identified and explain how your research intends to close such gaps.

Chapter 3. Research Design and Methodology

This chapter allows you to plan how you will conduct your research, the type of study to be utilized, the data collection, and analysis methods.

Whether you intend to conduct experimental or original research, you will need to explain the techniques used, for instance:

• The research approach and design that were employed. Why did your study choose them?

• Provide detailed information about your selected sampling methods. 

• How your data was gathered and analyzed? 

• Ethical considerations during the study, e.g., how to treat consent while dealing with human subjects.

• State the potential limitations associated with your chosen methods.

The methodology section is vital for your research. It attracts the attention of the reading committee; thus, you need to pay extra attention to it. 

Choosing a specific research design is not about doing quantitative or qualitative research. Both research types require you to show the relationship between dependent and independent variables.

Therefore, you should clearly explain the procedures and tools used in collecting primary and secondary data for your research. The methods should be verifiable to avoid bias or doubt in your research findings. 

Chapter 4. Results/ Findings and Discussion

When presenting your research outcomes and their analysis, do not forget to link them to the research questions written in the introduction section. 

Ensure the data you’re presenting is well explained using graphs, tables, and charts. 

Address every hypothesis and research question with the available data or evidence. 

Do not forget to discuss the ‘statistical results’ using non-statistical terms. This will enable even readers without statistical background to read and interpret your study’s findings. 

Chapter 5. Conclusions and Recommendations

The conclusion offers you the last chance to connect your study’s missing links. It allows summarizing the key concepts of your research while involving your arguments or perceptions.

In the conclusion section, you can relate your findings to the primary research question(s). This includes clarifying your results and recommendations’ significance regarding further research required. 

When writing your dissertation’s conclusion, always ensure to follow the following: 

• Summarize your research briefly to allow contextualization of the conclusion.

• Link the conclusion to your research question and literature review. 

• Ensure to propose areas that other researchers should concentrate on in the future. These should be areas or issues you feel your study has not tackled or addressed effectively. This could be someone’s future dissertation!

Chapter 6. Bibliography and Appendices

You’ll write all the references you cited in the main body of the dissertation. Depending on the subject or course, these may include APA, Harvard, Chicago, Oxford, Vancouver, etc. Ensure to read well the referencing style asked by your department. 

In the appendices section, you’ll incorporate all the documentation, pictures, tables, or graphs you deem less relevant in the main body of the dissertation. They may include additional data, questionnaires, consent forms, surveys, etc.

2. Why is time management important when writing your dissertation? As mentioned earlier, dissertation writing is not a one-day exercise, as you may imagine. Writing a well-researched thesis that can convince the committee and obtain its approval requires months and years. You shouldn’t forget that most Master’s and Ph.D. students miss out on their graduation, and others fail to complete their courses because of dissertations. 

Honestly, there’s no perfect time to start on your research than today. Always ensure to set goals and attain them for your dissertation project. They may be set based on daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly targets. If you want to graduate on time, ensure you accomplish something, i.e., a section, chapter, or finding sources for your data every day. Keep reminding your mentor on time about your progress and ask for their feedback. 

Implement all the comments they suggest in your project. Remember, if you do not sacrifice, you may not again. So, start practicing time management skills if you want to finish the course in time.

3. Addressing writer’s block. Sitting for a long time on your computer or library reading several books and articles can be cumbersome. This makes writer’s block inevitable. The pressure to submit your research in time or address your mentor’s comments can compel you to work overnight. 

Oh! This can be threatening to your life, right? Fatigue and burnout should not stop you from proceeding with your dissertation. Let’s discuss the various strategies you can employ to overcome writer’s block: Determine the primary cause of the problem. 

Writer’s block does not mean that you’re a ‘bad writer’; rather, it’s experienced by almost all writers at a given point in time. However, the cause of burnout might differ from one writer to another. To understand the root causes of the issue, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

• Am I running down because I merely feel tired? 

• Am I intimidated by just acting because I have not written for a long time?

• Do I lack trust and confidence in my writing capabilities? Is this in any way connected to my previous writing? 

• Am I subjected to pressure to compete or succeed?

Asking yourself at least one of the aforementioned questions can help you understand the root cause of the writer’s block you’re experiencing. Build your solid routine. Being organized or knowing what to do, when, how, and why can help you avoid unnecessary stress and working for exceeding hours. Although writing a dissertation is an overwhelming task that requires much research time, seeking your mentor’s advice and writing, you must develop a clear balance between writing your thesis and other personal activities. 

You need to develop a checklist defining your daily activities in an organized manner. Do not forget to include time for leisure or physical activities like jogging, bicycle riding, playing volleyball, or watching a nice movie. The New Yorker explains that other non-writing activities will help you freshen your minds, minimizing stress and fatigue levels.

3.1 Do not procrastinate. Procrastination is the worst disease for most writers! Writing a dissertation is quite different from just simple class assignments that can be fixed at the last minute! Do you prefer differing starting on certain tasks until the last hour? Haha…!!! Honestly, if you want to finish your course and graduate on time, you should have started on your dissertation/ thesis yesterday. This does not mean you’re late to start today, but you may be late if you wait for tomorrow.

You can avoid procrastination by adopting the following strategies: 

• Wake up now and get organized. 

• Eliminate all distractions in your life. 

• Learn how to prioritize. 

• Set clear and realistic goals and work on them. 

• Set deadlines and adhere to them. 

• Take breaks when you feel burned out; it’s normal for a human being. 

• Assess and reward yourself whenever necessary. 

• Hold yourself accountable for whatever happens in your life. Do not become a blame master.

4. Ensure to write every day. Write, write, write, …! Do not get tired until after you successfully defend your dissertation. Although it sounds silly and repetitive, actually the best way to complete your dissertation on time is to ensure you write every day. You can write a single sentence, paragraph, or page(s) on the new information you’ve discovered or amend your supervisor’s comments. Remember, a “journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step.” 

You may not find the right time to start writing your dissertation or write a 10,000 researched thesis in a single day. If you write every day, you may wonder how you completed your research with seeming less effort than expected. Actually, the best time to start writing your dissertation is when you start your course.

5. Vital information your thesis/ dissertation should not miss. Selecting your research topic, getting it approved, and finding the right mentor becomes a perfect time to start writing your dissertation. However, it’s not about how much time or content you write; there are some tips you must understand to successfully write your research as follows.

6. Cite all sources to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism can ruin the credibility of your research. If your dissertation is plagiarized, you may fail it all or even be suspended from the university. Plagiarism is an academic offense and shows how unethical you’re by using other people’s work without acknowledging them. Do not do it at all. For the case of secondary data, especially in the literature review, background information, and definition of key terms, ensure to cite all the authors or sources where you obtained the information. 

As long as the idea or information is not yours, you must acknowledge the owners by citing them at the end of the sentences and writing the references in the bibliography section. First, you need to list all sources for your secondary data/ information, such as peer-reviewed articles, scholarly journals, government publications, new blogs, etc. Ensure to write as you cite to avoid wrong citations. In your dissertation, you can cite using different citation styles as suggested by your department, e.g., Turabian/ Chicago, APA, Harvard, MLA, Oxford, Vancouver, etc.). 

Purdue Online Writing Lab offers further guidance on how to cite/ reference various pieces of academic writing using different formats.

7. Proofread your work thoroughly and avoid unprofessional language. Your dissertation should reflect the highest academic level of research and writing. This implies that you must produce a flawless piece of writing with no grammatical, punctuation, or spelling issues. Remember, your dissertation’s unprofessional language and common errors can turn off the readers. 

You should be sure about the word choices to use in your research. Ensure to write your dissertation in the past tense since it represents the research you conducted and its findings. Use professional language related to the subject; however, try to simplify the technical terms to ensure every reader understands what is written in your thesis. Do not use informal language or slang as these may be interpreted differently or confuse the readers. 

Be straightforward and avoid using indecisive language. You can give your dissertation to a few better people better than you, including your supervisor, to read and give you feedback on the areas requiring editing.

8. Seek regular feedback and guidance from your supervisor. You should remember that a supervisor is your primary point to contact; they should be a mentor or a friend. A mentor does not only offer guidance to you but also helps to ensure your dissertations remain on the right track and help you overcome writer’s block. 

If you’re uncertain of what to do next or not sure of what you’ve done, do not hesitate to seek your supervisor’s feedback before it’s too late. Although some mentors are maybe extremely busy, you should ensure there’s constant communication with them.

9. Finalizing and defending your dissertation. Congratulate yourself for reaching this far stage of your dissertation writing. It’s not an easy journey! It involves sacrificing sleep, lover, care, company, working for longer hours, and giving up on some hobbies. 

However, this stage does not mean that your dissertation has already succeeded. Some students fail to successfully defend their dissertations before the selected committees, failing to complete their course in time. Whether you’re one of them or not, the following steps can help you prepare a strong defense for your dissertation.

9.1 Preparing Your Defense

Read through all your work thoroughly in anticipation of questions from any section. Ensure to anticipate the questions from the committee members and prepare for them in advance. You can ask those who have previously defended their dissertations successfully to offer you some tips.

• Prepare and organize all visual aids. Visual components are vital in contemporary presentations. You can prepare your presentation using software programs like Prezi or PowerPoint. Your presentation should be prepared appealingly to catch the attention of the committee members. Do not congest your slides, as this would affect their visibility. 

• Have a backup plan such as handouts in case technology fails. In other words, do not over-rely on the slides alone as technology may not be 100% reliable. 

• Practice as many times as you can to eliminate nervousness. You should also ensure you arrive at the venue an hour or more before the committee members. This will help you to associate and get used to the environment.

9.2. Understanding the requirements of the dissertation committee. After selecting your supervisor, you should start thinking about the perceptions and roles of other professors sitting on your dissertation committee. Remember you won’t run away from them as you’ll be required to defend your dissertation as its last stage before being confirmed for graduation. Each committee member plays a different role in either the success or failure of your research. This entirely depends on how good you may be in academic arguments or persuasiveness. 

The committee comprises of different professors, and each differs in their expectations. However, before facing the panel of experts, you should consider some generalizations. For instance, you should know that the committee members act as your dissertation’s audience. Like your supervisor, the committee members will play an active role in helping reshape your paper either from the dissertation proposal or your final research. They can offer notes, suggestions, and recommendations. Apart from professors, the committee may constitute external or non-university members but expertise in your research fields such as researchers and publishers.

9.3. Facing the committee. The long-awaited day comes when you face your dissertation committee. Prior preparation to avoid anxiety is critical at this one-day stage. Ensure you get enough sleep and arrive at the venue one hour before to get used to the environment and avoid being nervous. 

You can have a cup of coffee and exercise before setting off to the designated venue. Be sure to back up your presentation at least in two reliable places if one fails. For instance, you can email or do cloud backup alongside using a hard drive. Your dress code should reflect the success you’re seeking. 

Remember, smartness or dress code is a form of nonverbal communication. Do not forget to greet all committee members before starting your presentation. It’s a long-awaited day, and after a successful defense, there’s nothing else apart from publication of your research and jubilations for the long and hectic journey you went through to complete your dissertations. Congratulations!


Every student aims to attain academic success by completing their courses in time with excellent grades. However, victory goes to those who do something than the procrastinators. If you’re a Master’s and Ph.D. student, you should know that your graduation plans may be hindered by failure to complete research on time. This well-developed a step-by-step guide will help you start and finish your dissertation. The guide describes all the necessary steps, from defining a dissertation to defending your research.

A Word From the Author's

Writing a dissertation can be a very strenuous task, but you don’t have to go through it alone! Skylink Research offers advice and resources across all disciplines (Business, Humanities, Natural and applied sciences, and Social Sciences) so that you can get the help you need to finish your dissertation. Our team of Thesis/Dissertation Writing Specialists have been trained to help graduate students across the disciplines plan, write, revise, or format their thesis or dissertation. 

In summary, our services are designed to support you through the entire dissertation writing process, from proposal to the final draft.


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Whether you’re writing a research paper, proposal, or a master’s or doctoral thesis, this guide will be useful for making sure that you start your journey of academic writing on the right foot. 

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