How to Write a Dissertation Conclusionlogy Chapter

This is a general guide on how to conduct and write the conclusion chapter of your dissertation. You are also advised to check the course or program information and materials provided by teaching staff, including your project supervisor, for subject-specific guidance.

Writing your dissertation conclusion

Writing a conclusion chapter in a dissertation is an important part of any piece in the writing process. It is often possible to get a good overview of an assignment by looking briefly at the conclusion. However, writing a conclusion can be quite difficult. This is because it can often be hard to find something interesting or useful to say in the conclusion. Conclusions should be attractive and interesting but often they are not interesting at all.

Skylink Research

How to Write the Conclusion Chapter in a Dissertation

So, you’ve completed your findings and discussion chapters and are ready to go on to the final chapter, the conclusion chapter. At the conclusion of your dissertation, one of two things will happen. It can make you pleased because it signifies, you’re nearly done. Because you are likely tired at this point in the dissertation, it may be a particularly challenging test of mental fortitude. It’s now up to you to end the chapter with a cohesive and well-organized conclusion. If your last chapter is chaotic or rambling, the individual grading your work can think that you lack writing skills or are uninterested in your area. To avoid making these mistakes and thoroughly grasp how to write a dissertation conclusion, you must first comprehend what is required of you and what you must include. At the absolute least, three things should be included in your dissertation conclusion.

These elements include;

  • A description of your findings and how you arrived at your conclusions are included in the research goals.
  • Recommendations
  • Contribution to knowledge
  • Limitations which will be achieved by discussing the weakness of (however, this is not a must write part)

You should try to be succinct and entertaining while writing the conclusion. The major goal of your dissertation paper is to leave the reader with a clear comprehension of the key results or argument stated. The conclusion chapter of a dissertation paper follows the parts in a methodical order. This includes;

  1. Research objectives

To begin, aims and objectives are two separate ideas that must be handled separately. Because they were frequently generated during the proposal stage or for ethical approval of the study subject, including them at the start of your dissertation is only a matter of organization and clarity. So instead, a brief introduction should be included in the conclusion chapter, as it should be in all other branches of your dissertation. In this section, you’ll want to tell the reader what they may expect to find in the chapter and what order.

The next stage in writing a dissertation’s conclusions chapter is to describe your study’s general findings regarding the research objectives and questions. Because the discussion chapter will almost certainly address the same topics, it’s important to zoom out a little and focus on the wider findings – particularly how they relate to the research aims. Importantly, rather than a complete description of the chapter, the purpose is to provide the reader with an idea of what’s to follow. As a result, keep it as short and sweet as possible, with a paragraph or two sufficing.

Finally, before you start writing, make a list of your research objectives, and then come up with a few bullet points from the data discussion where you believe your study accomplished the goal. This will enable you to develop a mini-outline and avoid the ‘rambling’ trap that was previously explained.

  1. Recommendations

The next stage in writing your conclusions chapter is to examine the general findings of your study in respect to the research goals and research questions. Finally, a section titled “Recommendations” seeks to provide the reader suggestions on what they should do next. It’s likely that if you don’t provide this information, you’ll lose points. While including these notions as implicit recommendations throughout the brief is a good start, failing to provide a thorough explanation of them in the conclusion chapter might be disastrous.

Make sure you don’t say anything too aggressive in this part. Avoid using phrases like “this study proves that” or “the results refute that theory.” It’s uncommon for a single study to be able to prove or disprove something. This is normally done through a bigger body of research rather than a single study – especially a dissertation or thesis, which will inevitably have limitations. We’ll talk about those limitations a little later. An excellent ideas section will connect with previous results, and since this area was finally related to your study’s goals and objectives, it completes the package.

  1. Contributions of knowledge

Then you’ll need to describe how your research has impacted the field, both conceptually and practically. This requires discussing what you learned in your study, highlighting why it’s important and beneficial, and illustrating how it can be used. The concept of “contributions to knowledge” arises most frequently in other-level work and less frequently in Master’s-level work, depending on the nature of the research. Before beginning this part, master’s students should consult with their supervisor. This part demonstrates how your study has contributed to the advancement of current knowledge.

When writing this section, you will need to mention all outputs created by your study and inform the reader how your dissertation solves the question and why it is important. You will also need to consider the gaps in existing research and how your study helps close these gaps and discuss your research in light of important theories. Is it, for example, a confirmation of their ideas or a constructive challenge to them and discuss how the results of your study may be put to use in the actual world. What particular measures may practitioners take as a result of your results, for example?

In your debates, make sure to strike a good balance between being forceful but modest. Making statements will be frowned upon because it’s doubtful that your one study will fundamentally shift paradigms or shake up the discipline. At the same time, you must express your points with conviction, emphasizing the importance of your research’s contribution, no matter how minor it may be. So said, you must maintain equilibrium.

  1. Reflect on the limitations of your study

After you’ve pumped up your research, the following stage is to reflect on the study’s limits and potential flaws critically. Depending on your university’s structural preferences, you may have previously covered this in the discussion chapter, so be cautious not to repeat yourself. Depending on the research topic and the discipline it falls under, a dissertation paper has different limitations. Some of these limitations include;

  • Problems with sampling that limit the generalizability of the findings
  • Inadequate sample size or data accessibility
  • Techniques for collecting or analyzing low-resolution data.
  • Is it due to researcher bias or a lack of experience?
  • Budget restrictions limit various components of the investigation.
  • A scarcity of research equipment.

It may feel self-defeating to discuss the limitations of your study, but it is a vital component of conducting high-quality research. Recognizing that all studies have limits gives your research credibility by demonstrating that you understand the design guidelines of your study. Remember that the dissertation conclusion is your last chance to tell the reader what you want them to remember while summarizing this section. As a result, the chapter should be long and broken down into sections. Make sure to remind the reader of your study’s objectives, explain how you achieved them, provide clear suggestions for future researchers, and show that you learned something new. If you have the time and room, you might wish to include a section on limitations or self-reflection.