Frequently Asked Questions about Skylink Research

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Frequently asked questions - Skylink Research

Get answers to frequently asked questions about Skylink Research and our services, including dissertation writing services, dissertation editing services, and more! You can find further questions and answers, along with up-to-the-minute information.

Skylink Research

What is a Dissertation?

A dissertation is a lengthy and rigorously done piece of academic work based on original research. It is often submitted in support of a PhD or Master’s candidature and, in some cases, a Bachelor’s degree. A dissertation is lengthy, and many students face challenges navigating around it. However, the dissertation is still a crucial part of your academic qualification and may need your full attention to give it your best.

What is a Thesis?

A thesis is a piece of work often done by Master’s and Bachelor’s degree candidates in the last year of their graduate school. An idea is often lengthy but not as like a dissertation. Instead, it involves thorough research on a topic you may have studied in class and building further on it.

What is a Research Paper

A research paper analyses your perspectives and arguments backed up by other ideas and information. A research paper should contain evidence from other sources of information; for example, a lawyer may research and read about many other cases to help support the cases at hand. Therefore, a research paper is an expanded essay that acts as a representation of interpretation or evaluation.

What’s the Difference Between a Thesis and a Dissertation?

The main difference between a thesis and a dissertation is the level of completion. A thesis is mostly completed at the Bachelor’s level or sometimes at the master’s level, while a dissertation is often conducted at the doctoral level. In addition, a thesis is less in-depth and shorter than a dissertation which may require in-depth research.

Is a Dissertation the Same as a PhD?

The main difference between a thesis and a dissertation is the level of completion. A thesis is mostly completed at the Bachelor’s level or sometimes at the master’s level, while a dissertation is often conducted at the doctoral level. In addition, a thesis is less in-depth and shorter than a dissertation which may require in-depth research.

Is a Dissertation the Same as a Thesis?

No, a dissertation is not the same as a thesis; although they have similarities in how they are done and submitted, they have other differences that make them distinct. Their level of submission makes them different in that a thesis is presented at the undergraduate or master’s level while a dissertation is submitted at the doctoral level. However, their writing format is the same, and they are both submitted in support of candidature.

Can You Get a PhD Without a Master’s?

Yes, it is possible to get a PhD without first obtaining a master’s degree. Some schools offer direct entry to PhD programs from undergraduate studies. Although, in some cases, most schools prefer that student holds a master’s degree to enroll in a PhD program. Therefore, depending on your career goals and the amount of time you need to spend in class, master’s programs are not mandatory in every higher-level institution.

What is the Purpose of a Dissertation?

A graduate student’s academic career culminates with a dissertation. A dissertation paper’s primary goal is to allow students to present their results and arguments in answer to a question or thesis of their choosing. Furthermore, a dissertation can be used to assess a student’s independent research skills as well as their ability to apply skills learned during their time at university to help address the research issues.

What Are the 10 Steps in Writing a Dissertation?

Writing a dissertation is a rigorous process that may require a lot of time and energy to complete. Here are the ten (10) straightforward steps for writing a premium dissertation:

  1. Clearly understand what a dissertation is,
  2. Find a unique and valuable research topic,
  3. Write a convincing research proposal,
  4. Create a strong introduction chapter,
  5. Carry out a rigorous literature review,
  6. Conduct an in-depth research,
  7. Present your findings,
  8. Conclude and discuss the implications,
  9. List your sources or references,
  10. Prepare your defense presentation.

What Are the 5 Chapters of a Dissertation?

The chapters and the structure of a dissertation depends on the provisions of your school and/or subject of study, but it is usually divided into at least five (5) chapters. Here are the five (5) chapters of a standard dissertation:

  1. Chapter I: Introduction.
  2. Chapter II: Review of Literature.
  3. Chapter III: Methodology (Research Design & Methods)
  4. Chapter IV: Presentation of Research (Results)
  5. Chapter V: Summary, Implications, Conclusions (Discussion)

How much does it cost to have someone write your dissertation?

Dissertation writing services depend on the time limit you assign an expert to write your dissertation. For example, assigning your work at a normal time frame of about two months may cost £20 for every 250 words (per page). On the other hand, for urgent services, a dissertation paper delivered in 4 days costs £30.50 per page.

What is the average length of a doctoral dissertation? A PhD dissertation is how many words long?

The length of a dissertation varies from one university to another or one field of study to another. How long is a dissertation? Further, the length of a dissertation varies between study level and country, but is generally around 10,000-12,000 words at undergraduate level, 15,000-25,000 words at master’s level and up to 50,000 words or more at PhD level. When considering the length of your dissertation, put more focus on what is contained in those pages.

Is dissertation writing service legal?

Yes, the dissertation writing service is legal because there is no law in the UK or elsewhere in the world that forbids dissertation writing services. In addition, most students consult dissertation writing services to help them improve their studies. These websites guide certain topics or subjects they may have little knowledge about. Therefore, dissertation services are legal to help students get the help they need.

Is using a dissertation writing service cheating?

No, using dissertation writing services is not cheating. However, some services may not be as reliable as others. Therefore, before you are sure you want to consult a certain platform, ensure that you conduct a background check of the writing company. Also, check for customer reviews to ensure that you consult the right website.

Is it possible for someone to help me with my dissertation?

Yes, you can hire someone to write your dissertation for you because many people struggle to complete their dissertations and want assistance. Therefore, many companies have employed writing experts to ensure that your dissertation achieves the intended success. In addition, these writers have experience in delivering quality and original work and are available 24/7.

Is it possible to hire someone to format my dissertation?

Yes, you can have your dissertation formatted by someone else for a fee. However, every work needs a final polish to ensure that your work has achieved all aspects of language, punctuation, grammar and research work. Editing companies employ expert editors to give your dissertation a thorough polish by focusing on spelling mistakes, ambiguous words, misplaced punctuations and other mistakes in your dissertation.

Is it possible to hire someone to finish my thesis for me?

Yes, you can hire someone to finish your thesis if you become stuck at a certain point throughout the writing process. Achieving a successful thesis is a rigorous process and may take time to deliver a quality paper. Therefore, most students prefer to seek professional writing services to help them get through their thesis writing process.

How much should a thesis cost?

Thesis writing services cost £15 per page if the order is allocated within the normal time frame of about two months. You are guaranteed quality work at the agreed time frame with this price. Most writing companies make this price as affordable as possible. In addition, to escape additional charges, ensure that you assign your order much earlier than the due date.

Which is the best dissertation writing service?

Undoubtedly, Skylink Research is the best dissertation writing service in the UK and in the world all over. And, there are several reasons why Skylink Research is the best, but the most important of all reasons is that Skylink Research is a  dissertation writing company that offers their services at an affordable price and ensures that its writers deliver good quality work free of plagiarism. In addition, the writers are available 24/7 to ensure that your needs are met.

How much does a 10,000-word dissertation cost?

 A 10,000-word dissertation may cost Approximately £1000, billed at £25 per page. However, compared to the quality achieved in your dissertation paper, the price is offered at an affordable cost. As a result, if you need dissertation writing help, consider hiring Skylink Research’s writing services to receive high-quality work.

How much does Skylink Research cost?

Skylink Research writing service charges £100 for every 1000 words in your dissertation work delivered in seven days. Prices vary depending on the amount of information needed in your dissertation. Our writers will provide good quality dissertation paper that matches your payment with these prices.

How reliable is Skylink Research?

Skylink Research is very reliable and the most trustworthy dissertation writing and academic help company in the UK  and beyond. They also deliver original good quality work that will help boost your grades. In case of any questions or issues with your dissertation, our customer care team are available day and night to ensure that your voice is heard and that you are satisfied with your dissertation.

Is Skylink Research real?

Yes, Skylink Research is real, as many students have consulted the website for writing assistance and have given positive feedback. Skylink research has been in existence for over 20 years. In addition, Skylink Research writers are professional and have established trust with many clients making this company the most trusted writing company across the UK. However, our prices are higher than other writing companies, which guarantees you good quality work.

Can I get in trouble for using Skylink Research?

No, you cannot get into trouble for using Skylink Research because, like any other writing company, our services are legal and do not involve cheating. In addition, we make information shared with your write confidential. Using Skylink Research guarantees you original work and good grades for your dissertation. Our services have been running for over ten years, making the Skylink Research writing company legit.

Can Skylink Research be trusted?

Yes, Skylink Research can be trusted because it has employed one of the best writers across the UK who hold Masters and PhD certificates. Their expertise covers a wide range of knowledge, and they have had the experience of writing many dissertations before; therefore, they will ensure that your work is satisfactory.

What is the best dissertation writing service in the UK?

There are several dissertations writing services in the United Kingdom, each with its own set of reasons for being the finest in the field. Skylink Research is the best dissertation writing service in the UK. The Skylink Research writing service has been in operation for over 10 years and is considered one of the best dissertations writing services by the majority of users. Skylink Research might be a little expensive compared to other dissertation writing services. Still, it offers the best services students have ever experienced and is mostly considered the go-to website for students from all academic levels.

Writing a dissertation could be hectic for most students, and writing lengthy research works may not be everyone’s cup of coffee. Therefore, most students prefer to use writing services from legit companies to help them boost their grades and focus their time doing other things. Students who visit our website are always satisfied with our work because most reviews on the Skylink Research website are only positive reviews.

When delivering services, Skylink Research writing services ensure that work produced is:

  • Original

Our writers value originality and like to ensure that your work is plagiarism-free by running your dissertation document through a plagiarism detector.

  • Delivered in time

Work assigned is always delivered in time. We ensure that our writers start on your order as soon as it is delivered. We work best to ensure that your work is not delayed.

  • Quality work

Your work is assigned to a writer who matches your level of qualification or even higher. Giving experts to write your dissertation ensures that good quality work is delivered to you.

  • 24/7 customer care service

Skylink Research writing services do not have specific working hours. Writers are always available to get your work done for you. In case of issues with your dissertation, you can call our customer care service, and writers will ensure that you are fully satisfied with your work

Is dissertation writing services good?

Dissertation writing services are beneficial because the thesis is one of the most important aspects of a research student’s career. In addition, PhD students devote most of their time to reading publications, conducting research, and preparing for their viva. As a result, finishing a high-quality thesis within the allocated period may be challenging. Therefore, hiring a thesis writing service is typically a smart choice for academic writing.

How much should a dissertation cost?

Dissertation writing services vary in cost due to various reasons. This reason includes the kind of services you need, the time frame and the mode of payment. Some prices may seem too high depending on the quality of the work, the qualification of editors and the extensive editing options that include re-editing options for client satisfaction.  

Can you buy a dissertation?

Yes, you may get a dissertation paper from an internet writing service specialising in dissertations. No legislation in the United Kingdom prevents you from getting dissertation help. You may either employ a professional writer or pay for dissertation writing assistance from a firm that does so. Ghostwriting services for UK students may be available from dissertation writers at a minimal cost.

Is a dissertation hard?

A dissertation is not difficult since a student may choose a topic that interests them and work on it. But on the other hand, a dissertation is the most time-consuming endeavor a student must complete. It may, nevertheless, be a highly fulfilling piece of work since, unlike essays and other assignments, the student can select a specific interest topic and work autonomously.

Can you fail a dissertation?

Yes, it is possible to flunk a dissertation paper. If you fail the dissertation paper, you will be offered the option to rewrite it and submit it on a mutually agreed-upon date. A re-submitted dissertation’s grades will usually be capped at a basic pass level, equivalent to a module failure.

What is the hardest part of a dissertation?

The introduction of a dissertation is the hardest part you encounter when writing your dissertation. This is because one has to register it as the last part of the dissertation. Then rearrange each component to create a logical “narrative.” The final piece of writing is the introduction.

What is a good mark for a dissertation?

In most cases, having attained half the score in academic work is considered a good score. In the dissertation, a lot is supposed to conclude a score. The structure and organisation are solid. However, there may be some gaps. The demonstrated knowledge is good and explains independent reasoning. However, there may be some omissions. Although applying information and understanding is commendable and shows autonomous reason, there may be gaps.  

What is a good mark for a dissertation?

The best score or good mark for a dissertation is an A, where a score between 70% and 100% is considered an A. In most cases, having attained half the score in academic work is considered a good score. In the dissertation, a lot is supposed to conclude a score. The structure and organisation are solid. However, there may be some gaps. The demonstrated knowledge is good and explains independent reasoning. However, there may be some omissions. Although applying information and understanding is commendable and shows autonomous reason, there may be gaps.  

Is it hard to get a 2.1 in a dissertation?

Yes, if your work is filled with significant spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, a 2:1 is practically impossible to obtain. The majority of dissertations fail due to a lack of critical analysis. Being generalised or criticising the work of other scholars will not suffice. You must research the topic and come up with unique answers, or you must examine the topic and come up with something new. Make sure your essay is well-structured.

Is it hard to get a 2.1 in a dissertation?

Yes, if your work is filled with significant spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, a 2:1 is practically impossible to obtain. The majority of dissertations fail due to a lack of critical analysis. Being generalised or criticising the work of other scholars will not suffice. You must research the topic and come up with unique answers, or you must examine the topic and come up with something new. Make sure your dissertation is well-structured.

Is a 2.1 good for a dissertation?

Yes, a 2.1 is acceptable for a dissertation paper since a 2:1 dissertation displays a far higher level of thinking than a 2:2. Hence, most respected colleges need a 2:1 dissertation as the minimum criterion for post-graduate study.

How do I know if my dissertation is good?

Majority of students are apprehensive about going down the long path of writing more than brief descriptions. This is not conducive to your professional success. Detail analysis, critical assessments, and explorations of concepts, theories, and ideas are all included in exceptional dissertations. Excellent dissertations are distinguished from cheap dissertations by these characteristics.

How do I ace my dissertation?

To ace, your dissertation, ensure that you follow your supervisor’s instructions and plan well before you start writing your dissertation. Inadequate planning may confuse your writing process or limit you to your target population’s data collection options and samples. In addition, when writing your dissertation, ensure that you have enough references to support your research work.

How much time should I spend on my dissertation?

Spending two to four hours a day on your dissertation could help you cover a vast area of your dissertation by the end of the year. It is important to have a schedule that works for you. A planned-out time allows you to create enough time for other activities. In addition, a program will help you plan out what chapters to work on and when.

Do dissertations have to be original?

Yes, dissertations have to be original and must be written from scratch. A dissertation should be your research work and not a research work that has been done before. In addition, citations and proper referencing are important when dealing with a literature review to avoid issues with plagiarism. To ensure that your work is original, employ creativity and run your document against a plagiarism scanner to ensure that your work is 100% original.

How many sources should a dissertation have?

A dissertation should have at least 15 sources to represent where you extracted your information. Your sources should mostly appear in your literature review section because it is where your present information from other literature sources. However, you could use up to 30 sources depending on the information in your research work.

How long does it take to write a 10,000-word dissertation?

Sixteen days s the perfect period to finish your dissertation. Writing a 10,000-words natural essay may take about five hours for someone who can type faster. But since a dissertation requires rigorous research and literature review, it may take longer than an essay. Sixteen days are enough to deliver good quality and comprehensive dissertation.

How many references should a dissertation have?

For a PhD dissertation, at least 150 references are needed to complete your dissertation. However, the number of references mostly depends on your paper’s length. But for every dissertation, the number of references should range from 150- to 200 to ensure that your work is heavily supported with scholarly references relevant to your topic of study.

Can you use the first-person pronoun in your dissertation?

No, it is not possible to use the first-person pronoun in your dissertation because it would not promote formality and professionalism. In addition, most parts of your work include research from other sources, and here, it is advisable to use a third-person pronoun. The use of first-person pronouns may confuse your research work.

How long does a PhD dissertation take to write?

A PhD dissertation may take a year or two to write. PhD dissertations require rigorous research and are the most time consuming as most students spend a year or two carrying out their research and burying their heads in literature reviews. The first half of a dissertation may take about one year to write and complete; therefore, a student may need up to two years to complete the entire dissertation.